Oil in fresh coolant water.

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John O

Jul 11, 2021
I drained the coolant out of my 6 cylinder Ford Lehman engine model 2715e and there appeared to be engine oil in the coolant. Has anyone experienced this problem?
I drained the coolant out of my 6 cylinder Ford Lehman engine model 2715e and there appeared to be engine oil in the coolant. Has anyone experienced this problem?

consider a leak in the engine oil heat exchanger.
I will check and pressure test the oil heat exchanger before I consider the head gasket.
Goud luck
Welcome aboard, the guru on Lehmans is Brian at American Diesel. His father Bob Smith was involved in marinizing the engines from way back. 804-435-3107. He is extremely helpful on the phone and has the parts you may need.
I actually found the problem. The gasket between the exhaust manifold and the elbow at the end of the manifold for the sea water port going into the exhaust was leaking. That elbow has internal ports that circulates fresh water through it and exhaust soot was getting into the fresh water system, which looked like oil in the water. When the black stuff in the water settled out to the bottom I realized that it was soot and not oil. Changing the gasket fixed the problem.
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