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Sep 26, 2012
North America
Vessel Name
The Promise
Vessel Make
Roughwater 35
You don’t ____ where you sleep....


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Before there was indoor plumbing, there were what was known as "chamber pots" under every bed in even the finest homes. This is obviously a guest stateroom...an en suite "chamber pot" for overnight use makes a lot more sense than a guest having to fumble around in the dark to navigate to a head compartment and then having to find the light switch. Just getting out of the upper to use it would be enough of a challenge for a lot of people!

"If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't completely understand it yourself." --Albert Einstein
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Hopefully, the ventilation is outstanding.
Some of the gillnetters I worked on had that set up. If we could stand up to do our business we'd go over the side or stern. Sitting down was done on a 5 gallon bucket on the aft deck. No way were we sleeping with our heads, the ones on our shoulders, near the splash zone.
There are an awful damned lot of sailboats with the head up in the v-berth.

It's all about timing.
Looks positively posh compared to some of the places i've had to go.
Looks positively posh compared to some of the places i've had to go.
Can`t wait for the details! The downward spiral of head facilities brings to mind Monty Python`s "Four Yorkshiremen" sketch. Not the original,despite subtitles in another language, the cast seems original.
A very useful place to soak your dentures overnight.
Not a great location if sea sickness or Montazumas Revenge becomes a problem.
It’s the guy/gal sharing the berth but not using the head that I feel for.
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