Newer editions of The Weather Book by USA Today?

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Jul 3, 2016
Sandusky Bay
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Vessel Make
Mariner 37
Hoping to learn everything I could about weather, forecasting, and reading the trends, I bought a few recommended weather books including Mariner's Weather from Daschew and The Weather Book from USA Today. The latter does a very good job of digesting the complex into clear and understandable terms. Yes, into cartoons.

For better or worse, I ended up with the second edition from 1997. Dashew's book is from the same era; my first printing copy is from December 1998. While the internet was around by then, it was a far different place than it is today and the resources covered by the second edition reflect accordingly. I have intended to get around to buying a newest edition figuring that it would address the resources available to folks using the modern internet, but it looks like mine is the newest edition.


Amazon provides a long list of weather books, but the ratings are from God knows who. Weather impacts most everything we do on the water. So what do you guys recommend as a weather text book that reflects today's modern tools and resources?
Just a FYI for yhose interested in marine related Wx...
The USPS / ABC Wx course is based largely on and used many of the graphics from the USA Today book. It has also Bern updated since the original book edition. IMO, it is a worthwhile course for those interested in marine Wx.
The USPS / ABC Wx course is based largely on and used many of the graphics from the USA Today book. It has also Bern updated since the original book edition. IMO, it is a worthwhile course for those interested in marine Wx.
This course, right? Have most Trawler Forum types taken this course?

This course, right? Have most Trawler Forum types taken this course?

Yes that's the one. I strongly prefer the in person classes, if possible... Online is better than nothing but lacks the interaction and customization for local affects.
I have instructed the class for our chapter every few years since early 90's and it has been updated / revised every 3-5 yrs.
Hurricane Sandy hit during one of my class offerings and I modified the schedule & added NYC/ NJ local Wx maps etc to add interest & real world examples... you don't get that w online courses.

Note: NOAA / NWS also has a free online course called "Jetstream" that I have scanned through and used some info. It seemed well done but I'll admit I never worked through the whole course.
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