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The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Dec 14, 2024
West Coast, USA
Dont currently own a boat. I myself have little to no boating experience and grew up inland far away from the coast.
Wife is seriously into diving and has been into sailing on and off. Weve been looking into a Sea worthy Trawler. Hopefully one we can buy or refit for cheaper than our home sells for. She wants to be at the coast and ocean more. Its a long term goal but its slowly moving closer. My plan is to lurk here and learn as much as I can and eventually ask for advice. I understand I have a huge amount of information to learn. I think going on these forums will help somewhat.

Many thanks for the wonderful community
We ended up pulling a little cash equity out of our house to buy our trawler. Its been 3 years and we still think selling the house and full timing is the way to go.
Welcome aboard TF.
If you are just getting started with little experience a kid place to srart might be the Boat Search 101 thread...
Welcome . Happy to join the party
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