New member & new grand banks owner

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Apr 24, 2016
Looking forward to learning from the experience and knowledge of members. I have learned so much before I bought our 36' grand banks and now as I continue maintaining this beautiful boat. Its nice to have fellow members share their experiences and my wife and I hope to make our own memories and ready for our next adventure.
Congrats on the new boat. We love our 36. Have you checked out the Grand Banks Owners website? Lots of useful info. Would love to see pics and boat info.
Our marina neighbor just bought an old 1971 Grand Alaskan and is currently on the Mississippi River bringing her back here.
She needs some cosmetic work for sure. He bought it for next to nothing but they're on day 2 of their trip to bring her home and all seems well mechanically speaking.
Welcome aboard TF
Congrats on the new boat
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