Here's my experience with Naiad Stabilizers & Oil Leaks:
When I purchased the boat in January 2021 the seals hadn't been maintained and the shafts were worn/damaged, so Craig/Stabilized marine rebuilt them for $15,000. Maintain your seals!
On the sea trial the main hydraulic hose burst and made a big mess. I purchased all new hoses from Craig/Stabilized marine and installed them myself, $1600k.
Shortly after I had a leak and Craig/Stabilized Marine sent me a new elbow fitting, which solved the problem.
Spring 2023: Naiad Connecticut replaced the seals, $2056.
Fall 2023: Starboard ram/piston started to leak, beginning with 1 oz/day, proceeding to 1 quart/day over a 1 week period. Craig advised me how to lock the fin and bypass the ram (swap hoses), so I could still use one fin (it made a difference) until we made it to FL. Stabilized Marine replace the ram with a rebuilt one for $1600.
At the same time there was a small leak from the feedback sensor. Craig called it a common "nuisance" leak not worth fixing, so I cut a small piece of oil cloth to lay next to it.
Summer 2024: A leak of unknown origin progressively getting worse. I cut pieces of oil cloth to put at various positions, and tie-wrapped more small pieces on various hoses. It took several days to determine the leak was from under the collar of one of the new hoses. I measured it and Craig sent me a new one no-charge.
So far so good.