Naiad 252 oil leak

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Here's my experience with Naiad Stabilizers & Oil Leaks:

When I purchased the boat in January 2021 the seals hadn't been maintained and the shafts were worn/damaged, so Craig/Stabilized marine rebuilt them for $15,000. Maintain your seals!

On the sea trial the main hydraulic hose burst and made a big mess. I purchased all new hoses from Craig/Stabilized marine and installed them myself, $1600k.

Shortly after I had a leak and Craig/Stabilized Marine sent me a new elbow fitting, which solved the problem.

Spring 2023: Naiad Connecticut replaced the seals, $2056.

Fall 2023: Starboard ram/piston started to leak, beginning with 1 oz/day, proceeding to 1 quart/day over a 1 week period. Craig advised me how to lock the fin and bypass the ram (swap hoses), so I could still use one fin (it made a difference) until we made it to FL. Stabilized Marine replace the ram with a rebuilt one for $1600.

At the same time there was a small leak from the feedback sensor. Craig called it a common "nuisance" leak not worth fixing, so I cut a small piece of oil cloth to lay next to it.

Summer 2024: A leak of unknown origin progressively getting worse. I cut pieces of oil cloth to put at various positions, and tie-wrapped more small pieces on various hoses. It took several days to determine the leak was from under the collar of one of the new hoses. I measured it and Craig sent me a new one no-charge.

So far so good.
I had a Defever 48 with Naiads The ram had a small leak, no problem. Napa had the seal for about$7 a pair. just remove the old one and install the new one. Easy to do. Then the pump had a small leak, took it off and the shaft seal was in backwards, again very cheap from napa. I replaced the shaft seals. Naiad sends you the tool to remove the fin. they charge it to your CC and when you return it they give you the credit Again, no big deal You will need a torque multiplier torque wrench to tighten the bolt, it a different value if you use never size, I think it was around 375 lbs. with it, 400lbs without it. Give it a try
I second calling Craig at Stabilized Marine. They know Naiad inside and out and have stock of rebuilt replacement parts that are less expensive than new and in stock. They can get you going quickly. I've called Naiad and they want to upgrade the entire system for $$$$.
I have changed the feedback assemblies myself on my 252s. Craig/Stabilized Marine sold them and advised me. A pain in the backside, depending on your access. Full,disclosure….I have a ton of marine mechanic experience.

I always call Craig, he has saved my bacon several time on multiple boats.
Here's my experience with Naiad Stabilizers & Oil Leaks:

When I purchased the boat in January 2021 the seals hadn't been maintained and the shafts were worn/damaged, so Craig/Stabilized marine rebuilt them for $15,000. Maintain your seals!

On the sea trial the main hydraulic hose burst and made a big mess. I purchased all new hoses from Craig/Stabilized marine and installed them myself, $1600k.

Shortly after I had a leak and Craig/Stabilized Marine sent me a new elbow fitting, which solved the problem.

Spring 2023: Naiad Connecticut replaced the seals, $2056.

Fall 2023: Starboard ram/piston started to leak, beginning with 1 oz/day, proceeding to 1 quart/day over a 1 week period. Craig advised me how to lock the fin and bypass the ram (swap hoses), so I could still use one fin (it made a difference) until we made it to FL. Stabilized Marine replace the ram with a rebuilt one for $1600.

At the same time there was a small leak from the feedback sensor. Craig called it a common "nuisance" leak not worth fixing, so I cut a small piece of oil cloth to lay next to it.

Summer 2024: A leak of unknown origin progressively getting worse. I cut pieces of oil cloth to put at various positions, and tie-wrapped more small pieces on various hoses. It took several days to determine the leak was from under the collar of one of the new hoses. I measured it and Craig sent me a new one no-charge.

So far so good.
This is what is apparently leaking
I have the same in my boat. It was leaking on the stb side. When I had her for paint and servicing in Mexico I had them put new ones in on both sides. A couple years ago they were over $800 each here in southern California. Stb side kept leaking. It took months to get my local Naiad service guy out to fix. I watched him disconnect the hydraulic hoses and take it apart. One tricky thing was using the body of an old feed back to knock it in or out, sorry I can't remember which. After the leaker was removed it looked worse than my old one that was leaking, but he polished the shaft, replaced the seals, and re-installed. No more leaks, however I questioned why I spent over $900 in labor to fix a tiny oil leak. That price did not include the cost of parts. My local Naiad service company said you can replace the inner seals but that never works for long. If it leaks, it needs to be replaced. The good news is all of this is done in the water.
I have the same in my boat. It was leaking on the stb side. When I had her for paint and servicing in Mexico I had them put new ones in on both sides. A couple years ago they were over $800 each here in southern California. Stb side kept leaking. It took months to get my local Naiad service guy out to fix. I watched him disconnect the hydraulic hoses and take it apart. One tricky thing was using the body of an old feed back to knock it in or out, sorry I can't remember which. After the leaker was removed it looked worse than my old one that was leaking, but he polished the shaft, replaced the seals, and re-installed. No more leaks, however I questioned why I spent over $900 in labor to fix a tiny oil leak. That price did not include the cost of parts. My local Naiad service company said you can replace the inner seals but that never works for long. If it leaks, it needs to be replaced. The good news is all of this is done in the water.
Amazing thanks for the reply .
It seems in Australia that I cannot find anyone who is interested in trying to repair this and people only want to rebuild the whole system if I sent you a photograph could you tell me where I need to start to dig around to find this feedback assembly I'm assume it is somewhere up in the top part of the system
I have changed the feedback assemblies myself on my 252s. Craig/Stabilized Marine sold them and advised me. A pain in the backside, depending on your access. Full,disclosure….I have a ton of marine mechanic experience.

I always call Craig, he has saved my bacon several time on multiple boats.
Can you explain the process and location of feedback assembly
Can you explain the process and location of feedback assembly
Can you explain the process and location of feedback assembly
Sorry I have been off the forum for some time. My set up does look a bit different than yours or maybe the photo orientation is a problem for me. I don't see your hydraulic cylinder in the photo. So the process is this little device has a bronze cylinder surrounding a stainless stem with a small roller bearing on the end. The roller bearing (probably via an eccentric) reads the position of the fin while the gyroscopic controlled hydraulic ram moves the fin. I'll see if I can find a photo of the larger area but mine is visible without much effort.


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