Ah yes ,* the classic*Sea Chantey *(shanty)
here's the only one I know
(The Yankee Version - Adapted by Roger Chartier)
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies
Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain
For we've received orders to sail to New Bedford
And perhaps we shall never more see you again.
We'll rant and we'll roar like true Yankee sailors
We'll rant and we'll rave across the salt sea
Till we strike soundings in the harbor of New Bedford
Nantucket to home is just a few leagues
We hove our ship to with the wind at the sou'west boys
We hove our ship to for to take soundings clear
In fifty five fathoms with a fine sandy bottom
We filled main tops'l up channel did steer
We'll rant and we'll roar like true Yankee sailors
We'll rant and we'll rave across the salt sea
Till we strike soundings in the harbor of New Bedford
Great Point to home is just a few leagues
The first land we made was a place called Nantucket
Martha's Vinyard, Woods Hole then down Buzzards Bay
We sailed then by Marion, Mattapoisett, and Fairhaven
Then bore straight away for New Bedford, hooray
We'll rant and we'll roar like true Yankee sailors
We'll rant and we'll rave across the salt sea
Till we strike soundings in the harbor of New Bedford
The Vinyard to home is just a few leagues
Now the Captain called out for our grand ship to anchor
We clewed up our tops'ls stuck out tacks and sheets
We stood by our stoppers, we brailed in our spankers
And anchored ahead of the noblest of fleets
We'll rant and we'll roar like true Yankee sailors
We'll rant and we'll rave across the salt sea
Till we strike soundings in the harbor of New Bedford
Woods Hole to home is just a few leagues
Let every man here drink up his full bumper,
Let every man here drink up his full bowl
And let us be jolly and drown melancholy
And drink a health to each jovial and true hearted soul
We'll rant and we'll roar like true Yankee sailors
We'll rant and we'll rave across the salt sea
Till we strike soundings in the harbor of New Bedford
West Island to home is just a few leagues.