Maretron WSV100/MConnect

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Ok, thanks. I’ll try that. Over the years their SMTP client has worked with some servers at times, and not with others. And it changed I’ve time. SMTP coms move to pretty much all SSL surfaced a whole new set of Maretron bugs, most of which got fixed. Something changed again on 10/25, but I don’t know what.
Bit rot. : ) I don't think they have much in the way of software engineering staff these days. Certainly not a lot of backend talent. I don't know who wrote their Actionscript/Flash code, but that was decent. The work since then has been amateurish. I'm curious as to who wrote the mConnect code. It broke a lot of patterns for them, it feels like new people, or it was contracted out.
Bit rot. : ) I don't think they have much in the way of software engineering staff these days. Certainly not a lot of backend talent. I don't know who wrote their Actionscript/Flash code, but that was decent. The work since then has been amateurish. I'm curious as to who wrote the mConnect code. It broke a lot of patterns for them, it feels like new people, or it was contracted out.
It's actually all the same guy, and as best I can tell, he's a one-man band.
I have never trusted Maretron's SMTP servers. They are not reliable. Many years ago I setup a local SMTP server aboard the boat that relays out to an enterprise grade forwarder and never have had issues. I have it on my list of articles/how-to's to write up.
I have never trusted Maretron's SMTP servers. They are not reliable. Many years ago I setup a local SMTP server aboard the boat that relays out to an enterprise grade forwarder and never have had issues. I have it on my list of articles/how-to's to write up.
Of course, you did. :)
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