MarBen owner

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Sweet Dreams

Aug 30, 2015
Just joined, looking around for other MarBen owners. Spotted the Slo-Belle in Clarence Straight Alaska on June 26, 2015. Another 27 foot MarBen Similar to mine. Would have called him but I'm in a boat doing 25 knots coming from Port Angeles to Valdez. Passed the 7 knot pocket trawler before I had a chance to say anything. Southeast Alaska is a great place for cruising. Love seeing the great lines of the MARBEN and spotted her right-a-way. I now am the proud owner of the Sweet Dreams (27" MarBen) for over a year now. Working on getting her into shape and at the same time cruising around South Central Alaska. Kenai Fijords, Prince William Sound and the likes. Comfortable boat, seaworthy and slow enough to see nearly everything.
Welcome Sweet Pea.:flowers: Slo~Belle here. Thanks for the recognition in the Straits. That was a nice passage for that piece of water. Not often to be as calm as it was that day.
There are not too many of our Marben boats about. I believe there was no more than 18 of the 27 foot model built. Several 32 foot As this is the genesis of the C-Dory line one would think that there would be a site of history, not so. I have made effort in sending C- Dory manufacture an inquiry on history but to no success.
There are random comments on the c-Dory forum in recognizing the existence of our boats but not much else.
You will soon learn that you have acquired a very special class of boat which accomplishes its sea keeping goal with style.
I will PM you and would enjoy the chatter off line trading information.

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