Mainship 400 Below Deck A/C Vent Removal

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Veteran Member
Aug 11, 2016
United States
Vessel Make
Mainship 400
Below decks, in the forward, main berth, and the guest berth, there are air conditioning vents with louvered slats. In the guest berth vent, I can see dust and probably construction debris behind the louvers. Has anyone removed these vents for cleaning? Are they glued in or just held by friction?
Asking before I go all medieval getting them out.
I have also tried to remove the vent cover in the guest stateroom and failed. I assume it was glued because I couldn't get it to budge. I abandoned the project as I didn't want to damage anything. Let us know if you figure it out!
When I was doing some wiring a few years ago I pulled the AC vent in the post in the forward part of the galley, it was stapled in with small tacks, no glue. Not sure if the others are secured the same way, but I bet the chances are pretty high that they are.
Assuming it`s not removable, you may be able to insert one of those brushes used for cleaning inside bottles. With it in one hand and the vacuum nozzle in the other, you should be able to do some cleaning. It`s how I clean the fridge heat dissipating coil which attracts dust etc like a magnet.
look behind the vent. Some have a wood piece that swings to told hold in place
Mechanics mirror on a hinged stick, look at it from the back to see attachment or a borescope

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