Mainship 34T berth dimensions

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May 5, 2024
orange beach AL
I’m shopping for a 2005-2008 Mainship34T and want to confirm the forward berth dimensions. ( (I’m 6,2 and I know the mainship 390 forward berth is too short)

Thanks for the help! I’ll have to travel to another state to measure and this will avoid all that Hassel for me and the seller)
I don't know the measurements but I will say that berth - with the tapered sides - was the biggest drawback to me of our 34T. We have true-queen now that is far superior.
We had a 2006 34T for 8 years. When buying it I noted the fwd berth felt tight but thought I'd get used to it. That never really happened for me - I found it a bit short (I'm 6') and too tight at the head. No room on that boat for a larger berth.

That said other owners are fine with the layout.
did you own a 34T? Did you retrofit the Mainship 34T to a true queen?

You cannot retrofit the 34T’s forward berth to a true, rectangular Queen. There is not enough space.

I am 5’-9” and it was fine with me, but your 6’-1” could be tight.

You really should go look at one yourself and also determine whether the overhead clearance in the salon is ok.

The MS 34T is otherwise a very nice boat for a couple and ocaissional guests.

I put in a 4” foam mattress topper on my 34T, and left an additional 2 “ on the aft sides and bed foot. Both doors are a tad tight to operate at the bed end, but gives my 6 ft frame enough to stretch full out, no extra. Headliner is easy to bump and mess up will low bow clearance, be careful! Very happy with the boat in general, river cruising only for now.

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