Lot's of discussion on the Yahoo Group

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yes it was always very awkward to say the least.
I was one of the original moderators and in the early days (I think it was 1998 or 99) it was fine as there were only a few members and not too many different model boats.
The original models were a "cult" boat, and there was no one left at Mainship who knew the oldies so that forum was a godsend of sorts.
Joe Weinbrect was the originator, does anyone on here remember him?

I resigned as moderator in around 2006 when I sold my old Mainship and bought the Albin.

I know it "uglied out", but it was a good forum in its early years.

Franklin I sent my contact info to you via a Private Message.
Please reply directly to my e mail once you get it.

I was a member of the Yahoo Group before it was a Yahoo Group, I think Geo-Cities. I do remember Joe, Ken, Harry, and many others. I still see Jim Kreuger at a Boat Show once in a while. I attended gatherings in St Augustine and Savannah and back then we were a pretty cohesive group. Of course having a few coolers of refreshing beverages was helpful.



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Latest on the Yahoo saga is they are shutting it down completely. Here's the short version of the announcement...
Beginning December 15, 2020 the Yahoo Groups website will shut down and members will no longer be able to send or receive emails from Yahoo Groups. We’ve compiled a*comprehensive FAQ here*that includes alternative providers and information on how this will impact your group content.
We may start to see some Mainship + other owners coming over for a look at TF.
I did post an invitation to check out TF to the MS group at Yahoo
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hi Bacchus
I will see if we can recreate the traffic we had on Yahoo groups and the ease of getting one "digest" of group emails daily here on TF. I don't use TF as much because I must hunt around threads in various forums instead of the free flow of unorganized posts on Yahoo.

Yahoo, and other corporations (like MS) that break promises show us more and more how much we need blockchain chat groups.

thanks for keeping the yahoo group going for more than 2 decades.
hi Bacchus
I will see if we can recreate the traffic we had on Yahoo groups and the ease of getting one "digest" of group emails daily here on TF. I don't use TF as much because I must hunt around threads in various forums instead of the free flow of unorganized posts on Yahoo.

Yahoo, and other corporations (like MS) that break promises show us more and more how much we need blockchain chat groups.

thanks for keeping the yahoo group going for more than 2 decades.

Glad to see more of the MS Yahoo folks here on TF. I hope the Yahoo decision will bring even more over and make TF even more useful for owners. There already is quite a base of current / prior MS owners here that are more than willing to share.

I don't know if it will help but one feature I use frequently on TF is the Quick Links - Today's Posts a drop down accessible from the top banner bar

In addition you can "Subscribe" to the Marlow - Mainship builders forum and get a daily summary of new & modified threads. Agree it won't include posts from other sections that may apply to MS (e.g. Yanmar engines) but you certainly can subscribe to any of the more generic sections that are of interest.
thanks Bacchus!
for the life of me - I cannot find a way to subscribe to the entire Marlow Mainship folder. only threads.
and I doubt many Marlow owners are here. Maybe this should be Mainship.

ex m34 ht - now named "Momentito" with her new captains
Agree I don't recall seeing any Marlow owners but easy to ignore and we want to avoid a request for a separate Marlow section.

To subscribe to the Marlow-Mainship Forum open the forum and click on the Forum Tools drop down and select Subscribe To This Forum

Here's a screen shot for the KK Forum as an example (I'm already subscribed to the M-M so it doesn't show up for me - only unsubscribe)

Maybe I need to add that to the getting started post??


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Don, I don't get the same dropdown menu as you have... my forum tools only include
Post a New Thread
Mark This Forum Read
Unsubscribe from this Forum
Ignore This Thread Ignore Forum
View Parent Forum

which may mean I am subscribed to the entire forum, yet I don't have any option to set up a daily digest email.

thanks for listening, and hopefully this will help others like me
That's the drop down list I get on the Mainship forum (as I am sunscribed) and why I went to the K-K forum for the example.
I'll have to do a little digging to find where I set the option for an email notification... will get back to you.
We were both in the right area - but here is the details.
It looks like when we subscribed to the M-M forum we chose the notifications we wanted.
If you go to the M-M forum and unsubscribe and then resubscribe you will see the choices for Notifications - None - Daily or Weekly Just pick the one you prefer. If you want to change it later just unsubscribe and resubscribe with the new choice.

The FAQ Tab on the main Forum Top Banner has a lot of useful info - here is the section re: Subscriptions

What are subscriptions?

Subscriptions are a way of keeping track of different threads or forums. You can choose how you are notified about updates - for example by having them listed in your User CP and receiving email updates for each one.

How do I subscribe to a thread or forum?

To subscribe to a forum, click the 'Forum Tools' link above the list of threads then select 'Subscribe to Forum'. You will then have the option to choose the subscription mode for this forum. If the forum that you are subscribing to has any child forums (forums within a forum) then your subscription will be extended to these automatically.

To subscribe to a thread, click the 'Thread Tools' link at the top of the list of posts then click 'Subscribe to Thread'. You can then choose the subscription mode that you wish to use for that thread.

What subscription modes are available?

There are a number of different forum subscription modes available.

No Email Notification - lists the subscription in your User CP only. You do not receive any notifications about new posts or threads in the forum.
Daily Email Notification - sends one email a day with the new and updated threads in the forum and any sub-forums. If there are no new or updated threads in the forum or its sub-forums then you will not receive an email.
Weekly Email Notification - sends one email per week in the same way as the Daily Email Notification.
Thread Subscriptions have the same options as forum subscriptions with the following additional option:

Instant Email Notification - sends an email as soon as a new post is added to the thread. This is not sent for every reply and will only be sent once until you revisit the forums.
How do I manage Subscriptions and Folders?

Thread subscriptions can be sorted into folders for easy management. You can create as many folders as you wish by going to 'Edit Folders' in the 'Subscribed Threads' section of your User CP. To add a new folder, enter the folder name into one of the blank boxes and save the page. To delete a folder, delete the folder name. Editing a folder is done by simply editing the folder name in the list.

You can also manage your individual subscriptions by clicking 'List Subscriptions' under 'Subscribed Threads' in your User CP. Here you can select which subscriptions you wish to manage and delete them, move them to another folder, or change their subscription type.

Forum subscriptions are not managed through the List Subscriptions page and are shown on the User CP page where they contain the option to unsubscribe from the forum.
Thanks Bacchus!
I would hit the THANKS button —- will look for that next

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