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Looks like a sad ending for the Willard 30

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Dec 13, 2009
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1996 36' Island Gypsy Classic
The owner has relisted the Willard at 3500.** It is in the sailboat section of E-bay.

The owner says this is the last time he is listing.

He says at the end of the 7 days he may give it away (donate it) to the person of his choice or CRUSH IT.

I am so close to pulling the trigger on this but I can not. (Too many irons in the fire)

I geuss every boat meets the end of the line.*

Hope someone can give this one a reprieve and stick it in their backyard.

Forkliftt- Posted some images further down.* Looking at that proud little hull makes me sad.

Thats all Folks!

-- Edited by JohnP on Friday 14th of January 2011 07:44:19 PM
RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

couldn't find it on ebay
RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

Baypoint wrote:

couldn't find it on ebay

Go to E-bay motors,* click the sailboat section and scroll down. I will try to put up a url for it.

RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

Owners Phone # is 985 718 8215** Name is Ted.** Boat in Slidell LA.
RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

OK John,
I have discussed these boats with Eric. I have my hammer, camera and flashlight, and we aregoing to inspect tomorrow afternoon!
RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

Forkliftt wrote:

OK John,
I have discussed these boats with Eric. I have my hammer, camera and flashlight, and we aregoing to inspect tomorrow afternoon!

Happy Boat Looking--* I am sure it needs a lot of work.* It would be nice if you can post a few pics.** If I were boatless I might have kept this a secret!* John

RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

Surveyor Steve checking in here.
We spent about an hour and half on, around and in this vessel late yesterday afternoon. The owner is a very knowledgable and honest guy and he helped us look the boat over, often pointing out details and deficiencies we may have missed.
Much of the boat is apart and in storage, as in handrails, water tanks, steering wheels (upper helm) and props (has a spare). Thanks to Eric Henning I knew a lot about what to look for. The decks and around all of the windows are solid. The fuel tanks have been replaced with one plastic and one aluminum one. Yes, the aft ballast has pushed the rear bulkhead severely forward and the ballast has been started on there to be removed. Much of the ballast below the engine is already out so he could access and address a blister that made it all the way through the hull.
This is an already begun project boat. Every aspect has needs. My buddy was very impressed with the lines and potential of the boat- but realizes he may never have the 2000 man-hours he estimates to put her in pristine condition. It is obvious why the are a desired classic. I took a ton of pictures and should be able to post some tonight.
RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

OK Guys,I took over 60 pictures and can send more if anyone is interested. I picked out the best 20 and will post 10 twice.


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Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

Round 2.This vessel does not have a cockpit- I think the owner called it a Horizon 2?Is it a 2 because of the rear stateroom?

-- Edited by Forkliftt on Thursday 13th of January 2011 08:38:37 PM


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RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

So the owner is offering to pay someone $5k to take the boat, eh?? :)

That boat is gonna be a lot of work. Lots and lots and lots of work.
RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

No kidding- she sure is a salty looking hull.
RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

great lines but even if the boat was bought for $1.00, at the end of the refit, the owner would be into the deal at probably twice what she is worth, or at least certainly some good percentage of what her FMV would be.
But, boats are a matter of the heart, not the brain so, you never just know who will fall in love with her next and that would be a good thing as she is a nice looking motorsailer.
RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

I am glad this boat is faraway.* I really like the look of her, and the motorsailer aspect speaks to me.* It is the type of boat I could see myself happily puttering away on in a heated barn all winter. For years.* I hope someone as nuts as me gets her. Before her*next trip is to a* landfill.

Forklift-* Thanks for the great report and images.
RE: Starting bid has been lowered to 5k on Willard 30

Your welcome:).
JohnP wrote:

I am glad this boat is faraway.* I really like the look of her, and the motorsailer aspect speaks to me.* It is the type of boat I could see myself happily puttering away on in a heated barn all winter. For years.* I hope someone as nuts as me gets her. Before her*next trip is to a* landfill.

Forklift-* Thanks for the great report and images.
Exactly the way I feel. *I'm glad it's not on this coast, cuz I might have to save it, not that I don't already have enough to do, but what a sweetheart.
"That boat is gonna be a lot of work. Lots and lots and lots of work."


If someone needs to go to the Yacht Club Paint and Varnish contest it may be loads of work.

If someone simply wants to run the "loop" a vastly smaller amount of time and energy would be required.

Concourse D" elegance Classic vs clean and functioning cruising boat ,

If the engine does not need a rebuild , I would guesstimate a month of work , to hit the ditch.
Thanks a million for the pics and info.
FF wrote:

"That boat is gonna be a lot of work. Lots and lots and lots of work."


If someone needs to go to the Yacht Club Paint and Varnish contest it may be loads of work.

If someone simply wants to run the "loop" a vastly smaller amount of time and energy would be required.

Concourse D" elegance Classic vs clean and functioning cruising boat ,

If the engine does not need a rebuild , I would guesstimate a month of work , to hit the ditch.
********* I think you are right.* Put it together for minimum expanse.* Use it for a bit of cruising, than fiqure out what you are going to do with her.* Yacht Club finsh- WorkBoat Chic- or off load.** Great starter for someone handy.* Ideally with a place to keep it cheaply.

Your welcome. The guy that owns her has only had her for 3 months. The prior owner committed suicide- not on the boat he told us. Obviously the owner began work right away and got a lot done before he gave up. He works in the marine trade- but generally not doing this type of extensive work. Paint and varnish refinishing as I recall.
Sorry Daddyo- my iPhone auto filled your "name". I missed it and had quick replied.
" Great starter for someone handy. Ideally with a place to keep it cheaply."

This means usually a mooring,

which today is no sweat as the battery tools with a spare batt will usually work for a workday.

Some marinas will have a mud berth , that is only accessible at high tide , REALLY cheap, and with the marine store nearby , lots of time can be saved for the price of wading boots.
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