Long Beach/SanPedro haul out and dry dock help

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Senior Member
Jul 16, 2022
Hello all, I need help finding a haul out in the Long Beach/ SanPedro area that will allow an owner to work on his boat and stay aboard while doing the work for short period of time. Mainly to sand and paint the bottom and hull, few maintenance repairs to get the boat seaworthy for a trip up to the Fort Bragg/ Noyo Harbor area in NorCal.

1966 GB42 is the boat, I know most marinas in SoCal these days are not keen on wooden boats and I’m currently in the process of calling all the marinas in that area.

Any input and help would be much appreciated, thank you
I hear there is one in San Diego area. A distance from LA area. They advertise DIY when space available (another issue).


Good luck


EDIT - you might want to ping TF member Garbler. Recent thread he seemed to suggest there are hundreds of yards that do quality work with wood boats, including SoCal if I recall correctly. I doubt it, but maybe he knows something.
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It is going to be difficult to find a yard that will do both, haul a wooden boat and let you stay aboard while on the hard. But hope you can find one.
Well I called around and did find a yard in redondo beach that will haul out and let an owner work on their own boat, Kings Harbor. They don’t have a time limit either.

Another will haul out and paint bottom for just under 4K.

Another would let me work on the boat, but a GB42 is too heavy for their lift, 30,000 lb lift and the GB42 is 35 empty. These guys only let ya stay the weekend as well, haul on Friday, back in the water Monday, so just not enough time for what I want to do, let epoxy set up, then paint.

Talking with the Kings Harbor guy, they are the only place in SoCal that will allow an owner to do their own work. They’re sending me a price sheet with estimate on haul, pressure wash, and daily rate on the hard. So see what number they want.
Well after much checking and ciphering the 1966 GB42 is not worth it compared to what is currently on the market.

As expected, SoCal pricing is crazy expensive, yard wanted a 70.00 per gallon surcharge on paint if I brought my own, and 336.00 per day on the hard, let alone haul out and scrub.

The one place wanting 4K to haul and paint bottom, was cheaper then doing it yourself.

Then on top of all that there was maintenance needed, lots of stuff to repair and replace, so for sure much better deals on boats in the PNW ready to roll.

This GB42, I had talked with the guy last Aug. and he was at 30k, he had texted me yesturday and dropped a 7500.00 number on me, after talking with him for a hr this am and checking on the marinas, wasn’t such a hot deal.
If you don't mind the trip to Ensenada, they'll do the work for cheap enough that you won't want to bother for DIY

But I totally understand about trials and tribulations of wooden boats. Good luck with your next choice

Hello all, I need help finding a haul out in the Long Beach/ SanPedro area that will allow an owner to work on his boat and stay aboard while doing the work for short period of time. Mainly to sand and paint the bottom and hull, few maintenance repairs to get the boat seaworthy for a trip up to the Fort Bragg/ Noyo Harbor area in NorCal.

1966 GB42 is the boat, I know most marinas in SoCal these days are not keen on wooden boats and I’m currently in the process of calling all the marinas in that area.

Any input and help would be much appreciated, thank you

You can try Cabrillo Boatworks in either Long Beach or Wilmington. There is another one I think is called Eddie"s. In the same area.
Look into Sunset Aquatic in Huntington Harbor. Its not exactly LB, but not far. They have a "bone yard" in the back that has all manner of DIY project boats. There doesn't seem to be a time limit as long as your account is square, and you can contract the yard to do work if needed.
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