I read some posts on the livingstone dinghy in the firearms thread.
I took delivery of*a nine foot*Livingston*a few months ago and woul like to point out*something I*was not happy with.
The dinghy perfoms fine with the 6 hp merc. 4 stroke, it will plane, very fast,*with*me alone*but not with the two of us. That is not a problem, it is very stable and has a*good load carrying capacity.*
The problem I have is with the drain from the area in front of the seat to the transom drain overboard. there is a logical spot for the drain in a small sump just in front otf the seat, for some reason the drain tube is not located there but in a spot about 3 inches higher so water collects forward of the seat. When I recieved the dinghy I asked about that they suggested drilling a hole and inserting a hole in the front and rear of the seat side so the water could drain aft. But due to the configuration a drill will not fit inot the sump area drilling on an angle could go through the hull. they did suggest using a dremel tool to do the work, even that they would work with me if*I brought it to a fiberglass shop*(I didn't trust one around here to not drill through the hull)*to have it fixed*but in the end I just filled the area in with bondo. The hull does collect some water which rapidly gets cruddy in our high temps and humidity. I now regret not having the tube put in at some fiberglass shop.*The sad thing is the a drain tube could have been very easily installed before glassing the seat in place.
I did find some small holes in some of the hulls floor joints which let water collect under the fwd.*floorboard. I sealed them with JB weld
I suspect*the drain issue*may have been a design snafu which slipped by during their move to the new facility in N. Carolina?
Maybe this has been corrected? I would ask if it hasn't insist they do something*before shipping.
Here are some photos please let me know if there are any questions. the firs three are of the fwd portion the last is of the transom drain.
I took delivery of*a nine foot*Livingston*a few months ago and woul like to point out*something I*was not happy with.
The dinghy perfoms fine with the 6 hp merc. 4 stroke, it will plane, very fast,*with*me alone*but not with the two of us. That is not a problem, it is very stable and has a*good load carrying capacity.*
The problem I have is with the drain from the area in front of the seat to the transom drain overboard. there is a logical spot for the drain in a small sump just in front otf the seat, for some reason the drain tube is not located there but in a spot about 3 inches higher so water collects forward of the seat. When I recieved the dinghy I asked about that they suggested drilling a hole and inserting a hole in the front and rear of the seat side so the water could drain aft. But due to the configuration a drill will not fit inot the sump area drilling on an angle could go through the hull. they did suggest using a dremel tool to do the work, even that they would work with me if*I brought it to a fiberglass shop*(I didn't trust one around here to not drill through the hull)*to have it fixed*but in the end I just filled the area in with bondo. The hull does collect some water which rapidly gets cruddy in our high temps and humidity. I now regret not having the tube put in at some fiberglass shop.*The sad thing is the a drain tube could have been very easily installed before glassing the seat in place.
I did find some small holes in some of the hulls floor joints which let water collect under the fwd.*floorboard. I sealed them with JB weld
I suspect*the drain issue*may have been a design snafu which slipped by during their move to the new facility in N. Carolina?
Maybe this has been corrected? I would ask if it hasn't insist they do something*before shipping.
Here are some photos please let me know if there are any questions. the firs three are of the fwd portion the last is of the transom drain.