Lewmar portlight gasket sealant

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Jan 12, 2019
United States
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I am about to redo the gaskets on a pair of Lewmar "old style" portlights (gasket between glass and opening portlight).
Instructions are quite clear except for a recommendation for a "sealant" that is to be used after the gasket has been dry fit for final installation. This style of gasket has a locking protrusion to help it stay in the frame, but some mechanical bond is apparently also necessary.

My question is what sealant/adhesive?

Normally I would think 3M 4000UV, but since this is under the gasket and not exposed to light am I actually better off with silicone? Boat Life sealant? Boat life Liquid caulk?

So many choices...not enough experience.
Thank for any help.
Mr. jt. Anything BUT silicone. Trust me. Silicone is great for house toilets but has NO place anywhere on a boat IMO.
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