Knots - Which Do You Use?

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I prefer 17 knots on high plane. LOL
Got it. My concern on the sheet bend is that it requires the messenger end to be kept somewhat taut to keep the pinch point. Whereas a bowline, while it take a few seconds longer to undo, will keep. Or do you find the sheet bend holds regardless?

Rarely use a sheet bend, but I did use it with a mooring hook (can’t recall the name but it is pretty nice) that used a small messenger to pass the mooring line through the ring on the top of a mooring ball.

The messenger would sometimes slip so I ended up using a sheet bend with an extra wrap. Not sure if the knot has a name, but it worked quite well and was easy to tie and untie.
Double slip knot is tops. Used routinely to tie shoes which I do several times a day. Consider mastery the second most memorable accomplishment as a child.
Mark, form two lace loops and tie a square knot with a extra locking turn. Never have to re-tie again.
Mark, form two lace loops and tie a square knot with a extra locking turn. Never have to re-tie again.

Back when I was a runner, I used a shoelace knot that would never come untied, was easy to tie, and easy to untie. It is essentially the same as the typical double slip knot with an extra round turn. I couldn’t describe it very well so I just demonstrated.
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Back when I was a runner, I used a shoelace knot that would never come untied, was easy to tie, and easy to untie. It is essentially the same as the typical double slip knot with an extra round turn. I couldn’t describe it very well so I just demonstrated.

Bowline, Figure-8, 2 Half-Hitches, Reef Knot, and Sheet Bend, in that order.
Is a cleat hitch a knot?

LOL, Nope.

And you guys don't have shoe laces? :D


LOL, Nope. Flip flops, loafers, and I replaced my laces on my casual shoes with elastic laces and a slide lock. I haven't 'tied' shoelaces in about 18 minths. then again, I haven't actualy worn shoes in about 1 month.

I have a Wedding on Sunday, so this should be interesting Pants AND Shoes. Yikes!
cleat hitch
Turn with 2 1/2 hitches.
clove hitch (often with 2-1/2 hitches as well.
Figure eight
Bowline (rarely, I prefer a Figure eight since it's more easily releasable/breakable)
Prusik knot
Fishermans knot
I have a Wedding on Sunday, so this should be interesting Pants AND Shoes. Yikes!
Then you can bump a half-Windsor or four-in-hand back into your list, along with the shoelace knot, or whatever it's called. :socool:
1. Cleat hitch.
2. Clove hitch (fenders).
3. Bowline
4. Round turn and 2 half hitches
5. Double sheet bend (joining lines).
Bowline (aka “king of knots”)
Figure 8
Clove hitch
Sheet bend
Clove Hitch #1 because I use it to tie the mooring lines to the bull rails, and always for fenders, so gets lots of use.
Bowline #2 because it is easy to tie, won't slip, easy to untie.
Figure 8 #3 most useful stopper knot.
Sheet bend & double SB #4 as the only knot for connecting two lines together, the same or different diamters.
Reef knot #5, but really #1, as it is so very useful, but gets less use on big ropes than the others. The most useful knot on strings or tapes.
Cleat hitch around horn cleats
Clove hitch or rolling magnus, depending on what I feel like the strain is going to be
Reefing knot
Bowline / sheet bend
Round turn and two half hitches, or sometimes round turn and a jamming hitch
Cleat hitch around horn cleats
Clove hitch or rolling magnus, depending on what I feel like the strain is going to be
Reefing / Square knot
Bowline / sheet bend
Round turn and two half hitches, or sometimes round turn and a jamming hitch

What are your five most used knots, in order?

Mine are:

Turn and two half hitches
Figure of eight
I use as many knots as it takes to get to cruise speed.


Thank you. Thank you. I'll be here all evening.
This has been an informative thread, and it has made me rethink my knot repertoire. There were some knots that others say they use that I do knot know well enough to use without having to think about it. I think that is important. Knots that I use should be knots that are automatic, like tying your shoe. I can tie a bowline without thinking about it. Every knot that I plan to use should be the same. So what knots? Here is my current revised list thanks to this thread.

- Cleat Hitch. (I know this already, but needs to be included.)
- Bowline (likewise)
- Clove hitch (despite losing my dinghy using it). This is useful for all kinds of things, and is much more reliable if an extra half hitch is added.
- Rolling hitch. Solid knot and is great to use.

Now for the knots that I decided I needed to really learn.
- Buntline Hitch. Essentially, this is just a clove hitch tied to the standing part of a line before it goes around something. I’ve not used this before, typically doing a round turn and two half hitches instead.
- Sheet Bend (and double sheet bend). This is a knot that I’ve used, but I have to think about it when I tie it. I want to get to the point where I don’t have to think about it.
- Constrictor knot. I actually use this a fair amount. The problem is that I often initially tie a clove hitch instead of a constrictor and have to do redo it. So I want to get solid with this one.
-Alpinist Butterfly Knot. In the past I’ve used other knots to create a loop in the middle of a line. The problem is that they aren’t as reliable and are hard to untie once they have been loaded.

So, that is my list not including any stopper knots.
Why not see mirror image while viewing knots? :D

Kinda salty... eah! :thumb:


  • Marine Knot Mirror - Salon Rear Wall.jpg
    Marine Knot Mirror - Salon Rear Wall.jpg
    171.3 KB · Views: 62
Why not see mirror image while viewing knots? :D

Kinda salty... eah! :thumb:

That's kind of clever. You can see the knot while looking at your own knot without looking down at your own knot. :dance:
That's kind of clever. You can see the knot while looking at your own knot without looking down at your own knot. :dance:

That may knot be the only thing you can do or knot do!
Clove hitch
Another knot I don't remember the name of that old mariners used to tie sails to the square riggers. This knot will hold and not move at all. You can loop it for easy removal
Carrick Bend for tying two lines together.
Sheet bend for #6
"Knots are just like miles per hour, only more expensive."

-- P.J. O'Rourke
does anyone know/remember why certain knots were develped, and when? like the bowline/square knot/etc...i`ll wait for the answers, and see what everyone comes up with...clyde

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