Just saying 'Hi' to the Forum members

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Mike Ashford

May 22, 2016
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1990 Grand Banks 36 Europa

I got to this Forum by Googling 'stern tie reels'. We are headed to Desolation Sound and the Discovery Islands in July and I am trying to figure out the best system for our GB 36 Europa. I came across this Forum where there was some very informative posts about stern tying.

We have had a cruiser of some sort since 1991; a 26' Monk Sedan, a 40' Monk Bridge deck cruiser, a GB 32 'woodie' and now our 'dreamboat', a 1990 GB 36 Europa with a single Cummings diesel. Life is good.

Anyway, glad to have found this informative Forum!

Mike Ashford
Shelton Yacht Club
Welcome. Stern tie system is something I have to figure out for my boat as well.
Welcome aboard Mike.

We are in Desolation ourselves and its very quiet. Wont be like this for long though. Good luck finding a quiet spot in July. By then, we should be up past the Broughton's.

Next couple of days were gonna drag dead herring around behind us, searching for the elusive Salmon.

Hope your trip goes well and look for us and maybe we can meet up for 'Docktails and lies".
Just watched that video of Darren's two days ago. It did look very nice!

Just checked the price. Might be a hard sell to my wife.
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Maybe this is what you're looking for!


Moonfish (Darren) is offering free shipping as a special to TF members. It's a beautiful looking piece of equipment!

Welcome to Trawler Forum! Hope you stick around and join in the discussions.

Those units are great. My line is yellow, I think 400 ft, but maybe its 377'. Very convenient storage and easy to use, and with a few twists your fine. I wish they made a 600' one though, then a loop and return back to the boat would be possible more often.
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