Art and Nancy,
Welcome to the Forum.
I know you are very experienced boaters and therefore may dismiss the following advice, but I think it may prove helpful. By the way, Island Packet, nice boat.
Anyway, first sit down together and think through how you plan to use the boat. For example, longer trips (weeks or months) or shorter (days or week(s))? Guests often or once in a long while (eg. grandkids, etc). Work through the ideas.
Then separately right down lists of
must haves to achieve those goals,
nice to haves, and
DO NOT WANT. For example, for me, I
did not want screwed down teak decks (either leaking already or will leak and costly to fix), exterior woodwork (too much maintenance), twin engines, etc.
Then compare lists, discuss, and compromise (eg. she wins in a tie).
Then go boat shopping armed with your lists, and realize that you will probably not find the "perfect boat" with everything on your lists (some compromises are needed). After looking at many makes and models, it will become clearer what will best meet YOUR needs (and wants).
Good luck in your search.