A few years ago while anchored in our North Channel, we were hit broadside by a U.S. boat. The guy with a 38' sailboat who by " his own admission," lol ... had over 80 yrs. of sailing experience that's why he was sitting on a 20 lb Bruce anchor with 10' of chain and the rest nylon rode that did not hold. I let him re anchor then I went over and we exchanged info, I took photos etc. When I did not hear from him in awhile, I got hold of this guy and the pr*ck denied ever coming by my boat. With that, I contacted his Ins. Co. who in a round about way told me to settle with him. The damage was substantial and I was told by my Ins. Co. that once they get involved ( fault or not ) it's a claim so .... I'm on my own! Long story short ..... I got few more estimates and ended filing in Ontario Court against the pri*k and his Ins. Co. Lo and Behold !!, his Ins. Co. was willing to settle for .50 cts. on the dollar which I eventually did or it was going to be death by discovery and litigation. Naively, I found out that a Court can rule in your favor, but they have no power nor are they interested in collection. This and few other things over 25 - 30 yrs. leads me to believe that there is NO honor in our fraternity, our fraternity revolves around; what's in there for me, denial, obfuscation, delay and lies. 8 times out of 10, you will get screwed over by another boater, supplier, contractor or whom ever ..... Sorry ......You Are On Your Own ! sad to say ...... fb