Interesting boats

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Saw a program on our local pbs station about the rebuilding of this vessel it was very interesting. Here is a link to some information.
If you want to see the program I imagine it can be found on iTunes.
Here's a boat that is marginally interesting. But the price tag is sure interesting. 120K for a pontoon boat? Uh, ok. ....


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Here's a boat that is marginally interesting. But the price tag is sure interesting. 120K for a pontoon boat? Uh, ok. ....

Good God... You're not paying for looks, that's for sure. That thing is hideous.
A couple of nice looking little Tassie cray boats


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I believe its a converted Webbers Cove Navy personnel boat. 40PE. Many of these boats around. Webbers cove was the first production Fiberglass boat builder in Maine.
Back in the late '70's early '80's the Russian Volga Hydrofoil was being marketed in the Vancouver BC area. I don't know if many were sold, but as I recall one flipped causing at least one fatality; the cause, as I recall, was that it had been repowered with an inappropriately heavier engine.

Same ship (Blue Marlin) carrying the Costa Concordia:


There's an old photo of the barge carrying the empire state building. I just can't locate it... As I recall the antenna was shipped separately on rubber inflatable beach-rafts so as to not let any short-out occur.
Whoops!!! I was actually serious and seriously wrong. That was the plan, but the Costa Concordia was eventually floated on its own. My mistake.
Of course then there's always this. Perfect for the cruising couple who just wants to get away from it all. Note the missile launchers on top of the fuselage (PS-- They worked). Just the thing for clearing out those annoying boaters who insist on running their generators all day and night.

Or... anchorage too crowded? Just zip a couple of missles in and clear it out.

Just my kind of watercraft. Combines two of my favorite activities in one package. And no pathetic eight-knot silliness with this thing!

Note to anyone not familar with these--- this is as high as they went. They are Russian ground-effect machines.


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Of course then there's always this. Perfect for the cruising couple who just wants to get away from it all. Note the missile launchers on top of the fuselage (PS-- They worked). Just the thing for clearing out those annoying boaters who insist on running their generators all day and night.

Or... anchorage too crowded? Just zip a couple of missles in and clear it out.

Just my kind of watercraft. Combines two of my favorite activities in one package. And no pathetic eight-knot silliness with this thing!

Note to anyone not familar with these--- this is as high as they went. They are Russian ground-effect machines.

Is that the Caspian Sea Monster? I remember getting briefed on these by the intel guys way back in the day.
Same ship (Blue Marlin) carrying the Costa Concordia:


Watched a documentary on PBS of the raising of the COSTA CONCORDIA. It was amazing the engineering that took place to gat this done. The gray tanks you see down each side were attached to the ship under water then filled with air to float the ship. The tanks at the bow were connected by removing bow thrusters and installing connectors from one side to the other. Really amazing what they went through to take it to be scraped.
Of course then there's always this. Perfect for the cruising couple who just wants to get away from it all. Note the missile launchers on top of the fuselage (PS-- They worked). Just the thing for clearing out those annoying boaters who insist on running their generators all day and night.

Or... anchorage too crowded? Just zip a couple of missles in and clear it out.

Just my kind of watercraft. Combines two of my favorite activities in one package. And no pathetic eight-knot silliness with this thing!

Note to anyone not familar with these--- this is as high as they went. They are Russian ground-effect machines.

Hard to imagine the sound level on the flight deck or ANYWHERE on that thing!

Pilot goes home after a hard day of flight testing and has this conversation....

Sasha: how is your cabbage and potato soup Boris?

Boris: what?

Sasha: ( now yelling ) HOW IS THE SOUP??

Boris : what ?

Of course then there's always this. Perfect for the cruising couple who just wants to get away from it all. Note the missile launchers on top of the fuselage (PS-- They worked). Just the thing for clearing out those annoying boaters who insist on running their generators all day and night.

Or... anchorage too crowded? Just zip a couple of missles in and clear it out.

Just my kind of watercraft. Combines two of my favorite activities in one package. And no pathetic eight-knot silliness with this thing!

Note to anyone not familar with these--- this is as high as they went. They are Russian ground-effect machines.

That is an option for the newbie who wants to circumnavigate but has concerns about pirates. Just like doing a drive by...

Portland, OR
A bit (15 minutes) of history of the Ekranoplan....

There's an old photo of the barge carrying the empire state building. I just can't locate it... As I recall the antenna was shipped separately on rubber inflatable beach-rafts so as to not let any short-out occur.

Yes. I have seen that photo.

But I still think it was a shame that they had to shoot King Kong off of it.

He would have come down on his own when he got hungry.
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