Interesting boats

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  • kanter1.JPG
    17.1 KB · Views: 50
  • kanter.JPG
    17.2 KB · Views: 48
this one is interesting:

States as Garden design & Willard build?

appears to be wood. Can't figure out why you would attempt to sell with pics of pets in the bathtub



  • willard.jpg
    116.4 KB · Views: 13
  • willard1.jpg
    114.2 KB · Views: 14
Hmmm, "interesting" with the dog in lots of photos - the agent should take some lessons on camera use and perhaps asking the owner to tidy up a bit before the photo session - esp the eng room
Hmmm, "interesting" with the dog in lots of photos - the agent should take some lessons on camera use and perhaps asking the owner to tidy up a bit before the photo session - esp the eng room
Yikes. That is rough. Or maybe ruff is the better term. That boat might smell like a kennel on a good day.
I wonder if this has been posted in the past, neat boat. I remember when we did NW Explorations how paranoid the lead boat was when we got our of line and were picking our way through the close pack ice (perhaps the wrong term) the glacier was shedding. There already was a patch at the waterline of the 66 Islander and the Grand Bank's fiberglass hull would fare no better. I guess steel would be the way to go...impressive boat below.

1989 Seaton Ross 56 Trawler “STELLA”
This boat was owned by a TF member

I suppose that boat did not work out for the present owner because it's up for sale after only 1 year. Wonder what the reason was
I suppose that boat did not work out for the present owner because it's up for sale after only 1 year. Wonder what the reason was
I am "afraid" by , around, the 100 m of stainless steel pipe used to made the "bimini" lot of kilo at the worst place !
But, if mine was sold, we could be interested and our first job will be ...remove all this stuff upstairs :) , and after try to find our way with all this wiring :)
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