Going to look at a trawler this morning at 9:00. Owner paid boat mechanic to look at the engines yesterday it appears that the engines would not crank over with the starter and they were unable to turn the engine over with a "pipe on a crescent wrench" engines have been sitting approximately 2 years. I suspect Pistons are stuck in the bore due to condensation causing a little bit of rust where the rings touch the bore. I'm going to pick up a borescope and pull a couple of injectors and look inside. After confirming that engines are indeed locked up.
any thoughts/suggestions on what else might cause a dormant Lehman 120 to lock up? Mechanic States the oil looks good coolant looks good belts hoses everything like that looks like this was a running engine. Mechanic also expected the engines to just start with simple procedures and was surprised when it didn't.
any other thoughts that might be the cause?
suggestions for any tests that I could do short of pulling the damn head off that I could just do in a couple hours with the basic hand tools.?
any thoughts/suggestions and or judgments of my sanity, reasonableness of buying these engines and with the hope to get them back in service by just sending some oil and solvent down the cylinders and trying to loosen up the engines.
I am a reasonably competent mechanic. If I had more time I would totally be tearing into these engines considerably further before making a decision but I've only got a few hours today before I make the 8-hour drive back home after looking at these engines so any insight is greatly appreciated
I know over the years I personally have heard many stories in person and certainly read many stories online in similar forms of similar things happening to diesel engines and a little bit of diligence in lubricating and forced to free them up I've heard many success stories of getting engines back in service and running a long time without even having to pull the head off.
Anybody wager a guess as to the percentage chance of success? is this a 10% chance of success or is this a 90% chance of success?
The boat is and has been located in the Pacific Northwest greater Puget sound area on the water so definitely high humidity and cooler temps which leads me to the possibility of internal resting of the cylinders
any thoughts/suggestions on what else might cause a dormant Lehman 120 to lock up? Mechanic States the oil looks good coolant looks good belts hoses everything like that looks like this was a running engine. Mechanic also expected the engines to just start with simple procedures and was surprised when it didn't.
any other thoughts that might be the cause?
suggestions for any tests that I could do short of pulling the damn head off that I could just do in a couple hours with the basic hand tools.?
any thoughts/suggestions and or judgments of my sanity, reasonableness of buying these engines and with the hope to get them back in service by just sending some oil and solvent down the cylinders and trying to loosen up the engines.
I am a reasonably competent mechanic. If I had more time I would totally be tearing into these engines considerably further before making a decision but I've only got a few hours today before I make the 8-hour drive back home after looking at these engines so any insight is greatly appreciated
I know over the years I personally have heard many stories in person and certainly read many stories online in similar forms of similar things happening to diesel engines and a little bit of diligence in lubricating and forced to free them up I've heard many success stories of getting engines back in service and running a long time without even having to pull the head off.
Anybody wager a guess as to the percentage chance of success? is this a 10% chance of success or is this a 90% chance of success?
The boat is and has been located in the Pacific Northwest greater Puget sound area on the water so definitely high humidity and cooler temps which leads me to the possibility of internal resting of the cylinders