"I'm leaning towards new simply because it greatly reduces the risks of breakdowns..."
And Snapdragon replied:
"The idea that new boats will have less breakdowns is a total fantasy. And when you have inevitable problems, it is twice as big a pain to get them fixed because you have to coordinate/fight with the builder to get it done under warranty instead of just doing it yourself, or getting it done by the most convenient service provider."
Could not agree more with Snapdragon. A decently-maintained used boat, at approximately half the cost of new, eliminates years of potential fights with the builder. And you won't have to pay lawyers to tell you that the cost of a lawsuit will be as much or more than the cost of the boat.
Mrs. Trombley
And Snapdragon replied:
"The idea that new boats will have less breakdowns is a total fantasy. And when you have inevitable problems, it is twice as big a pain to get them fixed because you have to coordinate/fight with the builder to get it done under warranty instead of just doing it yourself, or getting it done by the most convenient service provider."
Could not agree more with Snapdragon. A decently-maintained used boat, at approximately half the cost of new, eliminates years of potential fights with the builder. And you won't have to pay lawyers to tell you that the cost of a lawsuit will be as much or more than the cost of the boat.
Mrs. Trombley