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Dec 20, 2024
Sidney BC
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Pacific Trawler 40
My wife and I are the excited new owners of a Pacific Trawler 40. We had been intrigued by these boats for a few years. And what happens… we now own two boats. When a boat comes along that ticks even more boxes than you had… gotta pull the trigger.
We are out of Sidney BC and have boated for many years in the PNW.
Looking forward to exchanging info with all of you.

My wife and I are the excited new owners of a Pacific Trawler 40. We had been intrigued by these boats for a few years. And what happens… we now own two boats. When a boat comes along that ticks even more boxes than you had… gotta pull the trigger.
We are out of Sidney BC and have boated for many years in the PNW.
Looking forward to exchanging info with all of you.

Thats a nice open concept boat! The swim platform is great! We buddy boated with a friend who just bought one a couple years ago. Although I love my Transpac Eagle 40, we found ourselves spending a lot of time sitting around in their cockpit and swimming off their boat.
Welcome aboard!
Welcome and congratulations on the new to you boat! If if you see a 3rd boat that stikes your fancy, may I strongly recommend a 12 step program.


Good one, Dave! Welcome aboard, Curt!
Welcome to the forum. Photos are always a plus. We boat pervs that spend hours viewing boat porn will always appreciate the photos.
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