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Jul 4, 2017
Just wanted to say hello. I am an engineer and perpetual planner, and since my wife and I are planning on tackling The Great Loop when we retire (10 years out from trawler purchase), I wanted to start compiling info now.

I know 10 years is a long ways off, but with kiddos, work and other hobbies it cant hurt to start early. Plus, it will give me some time to take appropriate courses. Been boating (inland / Lake Erie) my entire life, but I want to be ready for bigger water, and then blue water post-loop.

Current dream boat is a 48 or 52 (w twins, thus shallower draft) Kadey Krogen. Either are likely bigger than the loop requires, but I'd prefer not to have to swap boats after the loop if/when we head deep South. And both should meet the draft and bridge clearance reqs of the loop.

Looking forward to learning!
Check out the recent threads from forum member on exumas, atlantic crossing, and alaska. There's more to boating than the ditch ;)
I believe only 2 KKY 48's have been built with twins. KKY 52's- great livability.
Usual trade offs you're aware of.
Welcome to TF
Welcome to the forum! I'm currently Looping, with a side trip onto Lake Superior. It's a wonderful experience! It seems the more places you stop, the more you realize you've missed.

Welcome to the forum! I'm currently Looping, with a side trip onto Lake Superior. It's a wonderful experience! It seems the more places you stop, the more you realize you've missed.


Wifey B: It's a wonderful trip and it's only possible to see so little of it in one trip. We did it in 2016 and planning again, maybe 2021 or 2022 or so. We technically haven't completed it as we kept the boat on the TN River this year and doing the TN and Cumberland and plan the Ohio next year and perhaps the Missouri. So figure started 2016 we'll actually cross our line in 2018 or could be 2019.

We figure we saw about 1/3 of what we really would have liked to see and about 5% of what there is to see. We spent 2-3 days in places where we could easily have enjoyed a week. We stopped in less than half the places we initially listed.

It's like you spending time on Lake Superior. We did too. But most loopers don't ever touch it. Some never touch Lake Ontario. We did spend a long time in Chicago, but it's one of those cities with so much to see, you wouldn't see it in a lifetime and we'd never been there. Well, hubby had flown through the airports but that doesn't count. It's just a great way to see the country. :)
Welcome! We are new folks here too, hoping for our escape in around two years!

Welcome. Congratulations on being such an advanced planner!
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