How to update Navionics on Axiom

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Senior Member
Jun 27, 2019
Vessel Make
Benneteau Swift 42
Searched online can't find it.

Do I need to remove the chip and do it online thru an app?

Thought I could do it with Axiom options
I always did it over WiFi with the Navionics Boating app when I had Axiom+ MFDs on my last boat.
I pull the chip and use the navionics app on the laptop. In theory you can connect with the phone app and update it, but I've rarely been able to get it to work and it's so simple to update the card.
I have gone through multiple attempts to update Axiom, it takes a while to download, then takes a long time to install, then it stalls appearing to be installing. Leave it overnight, no difference.
When I get a round tuit I will put in a larger sd drive as it think it gets full and unable to proceed.
ok, thanks, I'll pull it out
I just went through this with our new to us boat. It turned out that the existing version of Navionics was too old, we had to order an updated version (chip) before it would update via the app. I found that the Navionics help desk to be very willing and able to walk me through the whole process.
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