Hobart Wooden Boat Festival

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Oct 7, 2007
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Timber southern cray boat
Heading off to Hobart Tasmania for the bi annual wooden boat festival.
Hopefully will photograph some really lovely boats.
Tidahapah was supposed to be down there but a minor engine problem curtailed that lovely trip.

Will keep you posted.

Nice one Benn. Give us a heads up with a few fine pics when you get back. I'm out of boating commission myself now waiting for my engine repairs. They are expensive little devils sometimes. I can understand my 2iC not being overly thrilled over this last little effort. She was understanding over the antifoul/propspeed, even very decent over the hull re-spray, and accepting of the new canvas after the storm damage, but this last engine job.........***********
We are just getting over two renovated bathrooms, and trying to save for a trip to the UK to visit son, daughter-in-law, grand-daughter, and new (soon) grand-son........I think you'll get the picture.....?
OK not everyones cup of tea but here is a few photos from day 1 of the Festival.
Been a great day down here.
Luv the small steam boats , will post the steam outboard after.
A couple of tassie cray boats both converted for pleasure and still working.

-- Edited by Tidahapah on Friday 11th of February 2011 03:47:43 AM


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Well, Constitution Dock looks great Benn, - oh, and the boats look great too. Hey don't forget to go over to the Drunken Admiral Bistro - the decor is fantastic. But you probably already know that...?

-- Edited by Peter B on Friday 11th of February 2011 05:48:37 AM
Great images! I love wooden boats. There is a 50' wooden motorsailer that Winters in the slip next to mine and I can't take my eyes off it.

Thanks for sharing.

OK another day at the show.
Tomorrow we are off sight seeing down to Bruny Is before flying home on Monday.

-- Edited by Tidahapah on Saturday 12th of February 2011 05:37:21 AM


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Tasmania, is a small Island of the south east corner of Australia.
The straight between the mainland and Tassie (as it is known) can be a trecherous stretch of water.
Hobart is the capital of Tasmania and has a population of about 500,000 people.
Tassie is the land of clean air and incredible fresh,clean and inovative food.
A large population of artists and alternative lifestyle groups.
The famous Sydney Hobart yacht race that starts on Boxing Day in Sydney (funny that) and finnishes in Hobart.
The harbour is of the main river the Derwent and has a couple of small inner harbours Constitution dock being one of them.
These inner harbours are the home of the fishing fleet in normal times.

No cyclones down there, there is nothing between the bottom of Tassie and Antartica, except lots of penguins and seals
Yes Hobart is the Australian Antartic base and the base for the Auora Australis the Australian Antartic base supply ship.

Down in the roaring 40s where the wheat clippers used to sail accross the Southern Ocean.

But Benn, did you pop into the Drunken Admiral....?
No Mate didn't make it to the Drunken Admiral but ate plenty of oysters whilst there at Mures and other establishments.
Went down to Bruny Is yesterday , just for a change from the Festival.

An enjoyable 4 days and now back up to Tin Can Bay tomorrow to do a bit of boat cleaning.

Ah well, maybe next time. And remember, it's all meant to be fun...the cleaning I mean....
Let's know how that engine job is coming along. Mine is still waiting for parts - the Sydney supplier turned out best.
Havn't heard from Allan Y recently, Allan R U around.
Completed top end overhaul of gen set so will run it up today and give it its final clean up.
Still getting the odd really heavy downpour so not completely dry up here yet.
How are you getting along with that engine install, Benn? I am still waiting for the damn parts for my Lehman. I have'nt been able to fire her up since last December, and have not been out in her since November, and the Summer's almost gone. Thank goodness we can boat all year round. Seems to be taking forwever. I think the exhaust knuckle had to come from the US. They have the heat exchanger and tranny oil cooler apparently.
As I'm going to be in the UK for 6 weeks from mid April, it's looking like we won't get to use her till June - 6 months....crickey....getting withdrawl symptoms...
Goin slow.
The engine is just about assembled but there are parts that have to come off for painting etc.
The exhaust manifold has gone of to be ceramic coated.
I rang the UK tonight to order a new drive plate for the gearbox (ordered 2 so that I can carry a spare)
Hope to have it ready to ship to Tin Can the last week this month but don't think it will happen. may be early April.
My Boss is off to the UK 24 th may for Chelsea flower show I am over on the 31 st and then straight to Paris, we will have about 3/4 weeks in France and then I am home , she will stay for another 4 weeks and go down to Italy.
I am hoping to go to Chrismas Is (Pacific) for a weeks bone fishing, after that I think some serious work in the West may be in order.

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