Ha! He's already started. Something about reconfiguring battery banks and something about on next haul out doing something with something to do with the AC's.
Wifey B: Well, the old timers here advise to use it a bit before changing too much, if possible. Now if the AC isn't working, definitely a high priority. Reconfiguring battery banks though can get dangerous like anything shifting weight around. The original builders might actually have had a reason to put things where they did.
Of course while he's busy doing that, he might not notice all the new decorations and linens and stuff you're bringing on it.
I once knew a boat dealer who after one episode told a GE Engineer that it was going to be free this time, but next time he was seen with the cover off his outboard he was talking double. Actually the marina had told on him and the fact it ran fine before he worked on it the day before but the longer he tinkered, the worse it got.
Just teasing him though cause we like engineers. Have some ourselves. No danger of my hubby doing that stuff though. Now he will test every possible function on any of the electronics. Of course, I'm normally participating when he does.
All your kids grown? You two did your kid making young.
Now time to have fun on your own.
Nice to have another woman on plus someone our ages, well, my hubby's age as he's 45. I'm still a bratty kid of 36...
For nearly one more month...omfg...I'm about to be 37. Still 21 in my mind.