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Sep 29, 2021
Vessel Name
Blue Dolphin
Vessel Make
Mariner Orient 34
I am finishing up the purchase of a 2002 Mariner Orient 34. Boat will be based at the top of the Chesapeake. Will be doing a lot of upkeep and minor repairs over the winter with the goal of a spring launch and a busy summer poking around the upper bay area. Hoping I will be able to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience that I see on the forum.
Thanks in advance!
Hello, welcome to the 'funny farm'. I do hope you brought lots of money when you bought your boat.
Good advice OldDan, I'm new to trawlers but not new to boating! Fully prepared to spend much more than any responsible person ever would!!
Good advice OldDan, I'm new to trawlers but not new to boating! Fully prepared to spend much more than any responsible person ever would!!

SLBrackin, then you realize it will take awhile and lots of money to make the boat "yours".
Have fun. LOL
My boat, after about 5 years is still "almost done". I hope it will be completed by the end of the year before more things break. :banghead::facepalm:
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Good advice OldDan, I'm new to trawlers but not new to boating! Fully prepared to spend much more than any responsible person ever would!!

You, sir are a force to be reckoned with! :) Welcome aboard to the spendthrift forum.

Great boat.

I'm just down the Bay in the Kent Island area. Boatless at the moment, but have a Helmsman 38 on order. If I have the family tree right, I think your boat is a cousin of the Helmsman line, which for the most part are the recent builds of what once were Mariners.
Fully prepared to spend much more than any responsible person ever would!!

LOL Brackin. I refuse to keep count on how much I have spent and I know it will be more than $14K to finish the upgrading the electronic.
If the next owner doesn't like my cigar smelling boat, he can either clean it or pass on the boat or perhaps take up cigar smoking. :D
With all the additional storage space I have made, he will just need to leave the dock, add fuel and start his/their dream. I'll even include new batteries, standard AGM batteries.
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I keep meticulous records of our boat and all our boat expenses, down to the cost of an LED bulb. I used the little "sigma" function in Excel once to calculate an annual total. I was so shocked I never did it again. Ignorance is bliss.
I keep meticulous records of our boat and all our boat expenses, down to the cost of an LED bulb. I used the little "sigma" function in Excel once to calculate an annual total. I was so shocked I never did it again. Ignorance is bliss.

Aint that the truth.
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