Heat exchanger gaskets

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May 26, 2024
New Zealand
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Pelin Coaster
Hi all.
I am rebuilding my Cummins VT-555 heat exchanger and I am not having much luck sourcings parts in particular o-rings and gaskets.
Have contacted Cummins and gave them my engine number and still no luck.
So I am going to make my own end cap gaskets.
Just need to be sure I am using appropriate gasket material.
Any advise would be appreciated
I think I have sourced o-rings which arrive today so hopefully will fit.

When I had my Lehman rebuilt, the shop taped the new exhaust gasket to the manifold. I wondered whether it would survive the trucking to the marina. Several days after the install, I found an old wall calendar in the engine room. It had a piece cut out of the cardboard backing just the size of the exhaust manifold gasket. Hmmmm. Looks like the gasket didn't make it to the marina and the mechanic improvised a gasket from the calendar backing. That was 800 engine hours ago. I'm not recommending this course of action, but it made me think that "appropriate gasket material" covers a lot of possibilities. Some gaskets don't have to handle extreme heat, vibration, pressure, etc. Just make sure that the word "Cheerios" doesn't show (or would that be Weet-Bix?)
Well that made my day! Funny story …
Maybe good wax packaging is all that is needed :)
On a serious note … it is hard to find this info. People just say I order the part so not sure what material it is.
Will keep searching….
Cork is the obvious choice but buying it thin enough might be difficult. Auto shops?
IMO you can do a lot with cardboard or even paper if, after cutting and just before installing, you smear it with silicone gasket making material.
Cork is the obvious choice but buying it thin enough might be difficult. Auto shops?
IMO you can do a lot with cardboard or even paper if, after cutting and just before installing, you smear it with silicone gasket making material.
I did this myself a few weeks ago. Had a leak from the aft end of the heat exchanger cap. Removed and cleaned both surfaces, then went to Autboarn and bough a sheet of their generic gasket material (not cork) and made up my own gasket. I had to use two layers as the thickest sheet I could buy wasn't the same as the previous gasket. Joined them with gasket making material and bolted it back together. No issues so far.
Thanks all for your replies. I have made gaskets using Viton rubber sheet 1.5mm thk buy thinking these maybe too thick and may affect the o-ring sealing not pulling up correctly. So reading your replies I think I will get some generic gasket paper from the auto shop and do the same with silicon gasket maker. Will let you know how it all works out. H/ex tubes still a bit clogged with sea salt scale so still cleaning these as well.
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