haulout costs

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Oct 6, 2007
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2003 Monk 36
I had my Monk 36 hauled at a local yard just off the Intracoastal*they use a travel lift with slings*The job was to*haul, block, pressure wash including*remove the Bow "mustache"*with a quick rinse with Alumnabrite.*(Bottom paint was only a year old and still good) Change transom*and 2 shaft anodes, all which I supplied. They did their work yesterday afternoon I did some stuff this morning*including change the bow thruster anode.* Hauled out yesterday at 1PM splashed**at 11AM today.**Total cost $543.00* I'm curious to see how this compares to other areas. This is a yard which deals mostly with commercial fishing or oil field vessels. They are very hard working and helpful.
P.S. there was a WWII Higgins Landing craft from the Houma Military Museum at the yard for maintenance. My Father in law, who helped me move the my*boat to the yard, drove these in WWII,* so I got his picture with it. I believe Charles Culotta delivered the Higgins from New Orleans to the museum in*Houma a few years ago They were some real*brave guys who rode these things into a hostile beach!!!
Steve W


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I did not learn until recently that the WWII LCVPs were all wood except for the bow ramp. I had always assumed they were all-steel.
That seems a pretty fair price to haul/block/pressure wash/clean mustache/etc. Why didn't you get them to do it as a short haul though and do all the work in the slings so as to avoid having to have the boat blocked, etc.? Seems you could have taken her out and resplashed within 2 hours?
In hindsight the work could have been done in the slings in a couple of hours. I wasn't sure of the condition of the paint, zincs etc so*I opted to keep it out overnight.
Changing the bow thruster zinc took about an hour including a couple of trips up the ladder*for tools*it is located between the prop and the gear hub. *I believe the blocking charge is 75.00 so it wasn't too big of a hit.
your father inlaw looks very good for his age, he would have to be 90 or thereabout?
props to him, please thank him from me personally!
i was not born then, my parents just barely but my country was occupied by the nazis.
the US and those soldiers who participated changed the outcome of that war.
I agree, a short haul would have been cheaper, but not too much.* I think I could get a short haul for 36' I think*$9/ foot.* * Storage is how they make their money.* My wife and I were able to clean the "mustache" using some rust stain remover from WalMart and a hose in about 30 minutes.

I'll take a half-boat-buck any day.
Usually, quick haul is 3-6 dollars a foot depending on area. Chocking and blocking is usually in the 200-400 dollar range...not just 75? I guess the haul is part of the chock and block so that is where that comes from. So about 300 for the haul and chock and block. Zincs another 100 bucks. ANd then labor and there you have it. If it is a busy yard, 2 hours in the slings might have been pushing it. Around here they schedule quick hauls on certain days and only budget for an hour per boat.

For any others reading this. You can arrange with the yard super how you want the deal to go down. Just say you want a quick haul that could turn into a chock and block if you need to. I will be doing exactly that on Monday morning....at 3 dollars a foot. There is a good chance I will need bottom paint so I may tell them to block it and paint it. We will see.
Hey there - after cruising the ICW in past years, we always had a pronounced bow "moustache". The very best thing we found to eliminate it is FSR. Wipe it on - wait - rinse. It really works! (no $ interest in the company - just a very satisfied user)

What is FSR? Google did not find any products listed under the name 'FSR'.

Larry H

-- Edited by Larry H on Saturday 19th of February 2011 07:37:59 PM
Larry H wrote:


What is FSR? Google did not find any products listed under the name 'FSR'.

Larry H

-- Edited by Larry H on Saturday 19th of February 2011 07:37:59 PM
FSR Fiberglass Stain Remover


I think I even have some, just didn't recognize the initials.


-- Edited by Larry H on Sunday 20th of February 2011 04:14:22 PM
Just hauled the boat today.....the paint looked fine. So it was just a quick haul. We did add some zincs so the grand total was a whopping $130!!!

We used Interlux Ultra w/Biolux 3.3 years ago and the paint looked absolutely fine. I come from the school of if there ain't anything growing, no need to paint. I don't see the sense in just painting for the sake of painting or because that is what the proprietary book says. Maybe it is that our area is a bit brackish and doesn't grow like most....who knows. But we will haul(quick?) again in the fall and see what's going on. 3 bucks a foot is awfully good insurance to take a look see!!!

Our main reason for hauling was due to the failed sale and the survey saying the strut was abnormally corroded. There was definitely something amiss so we will have to troubleshoot the bonding system. In the meantime, we attached some zincs to it. In the airline business we would call this a "watch item". Nothing unsafe about it....you just don't want it to get worse. I will post a new thread with pics to get the opinions of the forum....

And I would HIGHLY recommend spending the extra money on the best paint. *It was funny because my wife's boss was there and he asked how old the paint was and what kind we used....and he said whatever you used to use it again because he couldn't believe the condition of the paint after over 3 years....maybe it is because we use our boat a lot....who knows.

-- Edited by Baker on Monday 21st of February 2011 06:11:00 PM
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