Halvorsen 100 Year Reunion

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Oct 31, 2011
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On February 14 and 15, the Halvorsen 100 Year Reunion is being held at Empire Marina bobbin Head in Sydney.
I know this because as a Marina client I received an email to that effect:

"Dear Valued Clients,

We are excited to announce the upcoming Halvorsen 100-Year Reunion, taking place at Empire Marina Bobbin Head!

This special event will be held on the afternoon of February 14th (Valentine's Day) and will continue until the morning of February 15th, with departures around 10:30 AM.

If you're available and in the area and would like to pop down to see this historical event, we welcome you to join us and experience this milestone celebration.

If you have any questions or need additional information about the event, feel free to reach out. We’re happy to assist!

Best regards,



tel. +61 2 9457 9011 / mob. +61 408 510 440
email. jordy@empiremarinas.com.au / web. www.empiremarinas.com.au"

The email doesn`t contain many details but I anticipate a static display of Halvorsen boats. There is an active Halvorsen Club which may be the organizer. The Marina was for many years the site of Halvorsen`s hire and charter operation where Halvorsen cruisers up to 40ft and smaller vessels were hired out. The current Marina, located inside Ku-Ring-Gai National Park,is an extensive redevelopment of what was the old Halvorsen hire base.

It`s worth mentioning that the old Halvorsen factory and site at the Sydney suburb of Putney on the Parramatta River is being redeveloped into high end residential real estate with marina berths. The old factory is being repurposed as a dining and retail space. Quite a challenge, I understood pollution of the whole site was a significant impediment to redevelopment, congratulations are due to the developers.
As I thought, the Halvorsen Club is promoting the event. Here`s a post I found online with more information. I think the first "historical" photo is of the Halvorsen hire base as it was many years ago. Hope the further information is of interest.
Thank's for that Bruce. It's a nice drive down into the national park and well worth a visit.

That said, we Island Gypsy owners are definitely the poor cousins in the eyes of the Halvorsen club. Not entitled to membership we can only look on in wonder at the floating wooden marvels and the money required to keep them above the water line.

I don't think I have ever seen a true Halvorsen on TF, at least not in my time.

Wonderful old boats though.
Hi Andy, Glad someone noticed! I think IG owners can be some kind of "Associate" member, it wasn`t appealing. Someone who bought a Halvo recently posted on the "seeking Sydney Surveyor" thread but it was largely to bucket Alain Franqueville, I suggested posting about the new purchase but nothing resulted.
After Bobbin Head, the Halvo entourage heads to KMYC(Ku-Ring-Gai Motor Yacht Club) which as you know is a popular Halvorsen/IG stronghold. Both nice marinas in beautiful national park locations.
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