Halbut fishing

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Scraping Paint
Oct 23, 2007
In the course of some correspondence with Mike in Florida I sent him a link to a slideshow I'd put together on Photobucket of photos I'd shot from our annual halibut fishing trip into BC last spring.* He made reference to it in a post to the forum awhile back so at his suggestion I've put the link here.

The boating/fishing shots are pretty self-explanatory although each photo does*have a short caption at the lower left.**

A couple of quick explanations however---

Telegraph Cove was the site of a salmon saltery and then a lumber mill.* Most of the houses and buildings*on and*along*the boardwalk date from the first part of the 20th century.

Minstrel Island used to be the main community in the "Jungles," a local term for the hundreds of islands in this area that until the 1950s or so were home to countless floating logging camps, fish camps,e tc.

Alert Bay is where the Canadian government in their infinite wisdom forced the local First Nations tribes to move.* In the process of destroying their way of life they confiscated their ceremonial masks, some of them a hundred years or more old.* The masks were sent to various museums around Canada.* It took decades of work but the First Nations people at Alert Bay finally succeeded in getting their masks back.* They are on display in the U Mista heritage center.* They do not allow visitors to take photos, hence the two pictures I got from the web that give an idea of what these masks are like.

The logging operation at Beaver Cove utilizes what I believe is the last logging railroad in North America.* One of the locomotive drivers told me that the company periodically studies getting rid of the trains but they are so much more economical than using trucks that they can't make a financial case for it.

Anyway, it's a great part of the world.* We have not yet taken the GB this far north but someday we hope to.* But I've so far been to some 30 countries and have visited some fascinating places. But I've not seen anyplace I'd rather be than up along*the BC raincoast and into*SE Alaska.

Clicking on the link should, in theory, take you to Photobucket and automatically play the slideshow.

http://s756.photobucket.com/albums/xx209/cmfaure/Telegraph Cove 2010/?albumview=slideshow&track=share_email_album_view_click

-- Edited by Marin on Friday 5th of August 2011 06:22:19 PM
Marin wrote:But I've not seen anyplace I'd rather be than up along*the BC raincoast and into*SE Alaska.
* * * ** Amen!* Great sllde show.
Wonderful Marin. I see the steam donkey in Port McNeil was built at Washington Iron Works. My 2nd job was at WIW in 1959. Was wonderful to work there and see all the machines being built** ...mostly Yarders at that time. Many diesel engines were built there before then. Later that year I worked on a gold dredge built by WIW in the mid 30s. In 1959 I was a young buck of 19***** ....drank w the Eskimo's and worked 84hrs a week for 1.67 an hour. Loved you pics Marin Thank Thank.
nomadwilly wrote:
Wonderful Marin. I see the steam donkey in Port McNeil was built at Washington Iron Works.
*Expo '86 in Vancouver, BC featured a "steam week" early in the summer that we attended.* All sorts of steam locomotives were on display, almost all of them arriving from around the US and Canada under their own power.* There were even some locomotives that had been shipped over from England.* There was a geared logging locomotive (a Shay, I think) from Vancouver Island along with a working steam donkey and a steam saw.* The steam donkey ran every day loading a log from a truck onto a flatcar and back again and the steam saw was kept busy cutting sections out of another huge log.* This was the first time I'd ever seen equipment like this in operation and what impressed me the most was how quiet it was.* I've watched a modern diesel yarder at work on the Olympic Penninsula and quiet it was not.* But the only sounds from the steam donkey as it moved this heavy log back and forth was the chuffing of the cylinders, the rattle and whine of the cables, and the faint, muffled roar of the firebox.
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