I am looking at a 1988 63’ Gulfstar/Viking in Florida. I realize that Viking bought out Gulfstar in late 1988/1989.. Wikipedia says 1990. Viking built same design vessels, changed the bow design a bit and the vessels were then built in the Viking New Jersey yard at presumably Viking-level quality. Through Coast Guard records this specific 1988 vessel has a Gulfstar HIN, built in St. Pete FL at the GS facility, the Breaker panel has Gulfstar stamped on it, the bow design is not what viking changed it to, etc. Even though, there are 1988/1989 similar design vessels that were built by Viking at their facility, this vessel is a Gulfstar.
The boat is listed as a Viking fir some reason.. my question in general, do Gulfstar vessels hold the same value as Vikings?, Also, specifically for Gulfstar owners, are parts or support available through Viking for those vintage years.. I do like the vessels except for the bow design (which is why it was modified by Viking). If I make an offer, would the offer need to be in line with the Gulfstar market value and not Viking. Does that make sense or am I missing something?
I would appreciate any opinion or comments.
Thank you
The boat is listed as a Viking fir some reason.. my question in general, do Gulfstar vessels hold the same value as Vikings?, Also, specifically for Gulfstar owners, are parts or support available through Viking for those vintage years.. I do like the vessels except for the bow design (which is why it was modified by Viking). If I make an offer, would the offer need to be in line with the Gulfstar market value and not Viking. Does that make sense or am I missing something?
I would appreciate any opinion or comments.
Thank you