Gulf Islands

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Scraping Paint
Oct 23, 2007
Took some friends from Hawaii who have recently moved to Whidbey Island on a week-plus run through the Gulf Islands.* Didn't take a lot of photos as we went to places I've been before but here are a few.*

We were in Ganges the weekend of the annual workboat gathering.* While there were a few still-working boats in attendance most of them were ex-workboats that have been converted into recreational vessels.* The boats ranged from 30-foot salmon trollers to a huge, steam-powered tug.*

Thought Eric might like the shot of the windlass and anchor on the ex-salmon troller.* A number of boats in the gathering had similar arrangements on their foredecks and while the types of anchors varied considerably I noticed that all of them had all-chain rodes.

The boat in the second photo was built by my employer, The Boeing Company, in 1929.* It was made by the shipyard Boeing operated in Vancouver, a yard that also turned out a number of fast express cruisers that became favored by the rum runners who smuggled booze from Canada into the US during Prohibition via drop-off and rendezvous points in the San Juans.* I've read in our company archives that the Boeing boats could outrun anything the "revenooers" could come up with.* This particular boat was built by Boeing for BC Fisheries.* Both BC Fisheries and the BC Forestry dept. had a number of very handsome patrol/enforcement boats built for them by a number of BC yards.* While most of the boats turned out by Boeing in Vancouver were powerboats they also turned out at least a few very good-looking sailboats, all single-masted sloops I believe.* I've seen one of them and whoever drew up the lines had a great eye for aesthetics.

The last shot gives an idea of the typical weather for this area--- strong wind and rain. The sunny day-wake shot just before it is one of my Photoshop jobs using a shot I took in New Zealand with our boat keyed in.* You'd never get a shot like this up here.


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Marin,Yea * *.. that anchor winch is just about exactly what I bought about a month ago but have since more or less decided it's too big and ugly to but on the Willy. Being reduction (chain) drive it's about 6 or 7" bigger than the direct drive units. I think SD has a DD unit * *..thats what I would like but it's not what I've got.
Ganges is a fun place. Been there 4 or 5 times. THe market, the festivities and all the wonderful places to eat.
"The sunny day-wake shot just before it is one of my Photoshop jobs using a shot I took in New Zealand with our boat keyed in.* You'd never get a shot like this up here." Look at my pics of a skiff trip on the west coast of POW. We got the holly grail of perfect SE weather for several days * * ...then heavy rain, winds 35 to 45 w gusts to 60. It's been wet ever since.
But we sure enjoyed that skiff trip.
Marin wrote:

" The sunny day-wake shot just before it is one of my Photoshop jobs using a shot I took in New Zealand with our boat keyed in.* You'd never get a shot like this up here."
Great stuff! (LOL)

nomadwilly wrote:

Yea * *.. that anchor winch is just about exactly what I bought about a month ago but have since more or less decided it's too big and ugly to but on the Willy.
So, you want to sell it?............
Arctic Traveller

Jeff,Sure * *...$400 would be good. That's what I paid. It's 15 dia x 14 wide. Here are 2 pics of the same (or nearly so) winch on boats in Craig and a shot of mine at home.

-- Edited by nomadwilly on Friday 1st of October 2010 10:01:50 AM


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