Ford Lehman Alternator

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Sep 21, 2020
Lake Champlain Vermont, USA
Vessel Name
Luna C.
Vessel Make
1977 Marine Trader 34DC
Any recommendations on a replacement alternator for the original on my Lehman? I would prefer a plug and play. Original alternator is a 51a and the regulator crapped out putting full amperage and 17.7 volts into my battery. The oem regulator mounted on the alternator is not available. I am not opposed to going up a little in amperage but it is not needed in my case, and I don't want to do a rewiring project.
Thanks for your recommendations, links would also be appreciated.
I paid $100 canadian.
The original in the boat was blown. The replacement works fine. Last year I bought a spare "just in case"
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By the way, I forgot to mention that the shielding is transferable from the original alternator to the AutoZone alternator. If you need it. If your boat's a diesel you should be okay. Also if you're running a tachometer from the alternator pulses, you just need to tap one of the rectifiers. It's easy to do. Let me know. I have pictures of how I wired that as well. It's a 5-minute job.
Been a while but I thought they were prestolite leece Neville style 8LHA/8LHP and I saw the regulator available about 5 years ago, things change.
By the way, I forgot to mention that the shielding is transferable from the original alternator to the AutoZone alternator. If you need it. If your boat's a diesel you should be okay. Also if you're running a tachometer from the alternator pulses, you just need to tap one of the rectifiers. It's easy to do. Let me know. I have pictures of how I wired that as well. It's a 5-minute job.
Max, was that a straight bolt on? Did you swap pullieys?
Max, was that a straight bolt on? Did you swap pullieys?
Yes, it was a straight Bolt on. I think the alternator that was on there (the bigger pulley in the picture), made for a difficult fit on the alternator tension bracket. The smaller pulley is what came with the replacement alternator, and with the specified size belt for the Lehman, it sits perfectly in the alternator tension bracket. I'm also guessing the smaller pulley also means the alternator spins faster, generating more power. I played with it in my mind whether or not I should change the pulley to the larger one, but it seems to work fine just the way it is. In my case the engine battery is connected to the house Bank via a blue sea isolator/combiner. The alternator is able to keep the house bank charged without issue when underway.
So, slight update-- last time I checked I couldn't find any replacement regulators that I was confident were direct replacements. Today I found 2 NOS regulators on eBay and ordered one of them. I was tempted to order both but figured I would leave one there for now just in case someone else has been looking. Maybe I'll have my alternator rebuilt since I was able to source a regulator. I have found rebuild kits.

I am still interested in what others have used. I still may put something different on and keep this one as a spare.

Max, I am still keeping your alternative in mind also. Thank you.
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By the way, I forgot to mention that the shielding is transferable from the original If your boat's a diesel you should be okay. Also if you're running a tachometer from the alternator pulses, you just need to tap one of the rectifiers. It's easy to do. Let me know. I have pictures of how I wired that as well. It's a 5-minute job.
Please post some pics of the tacho connection. This could be very helpful in a pinch.
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