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For Sale: 2002 Mainship 430 (refit in 2024)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2018
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2002 Mainship 430
For the last three years, we have been preparing our 2002 Mainship 430 for the Caribbean and the Great Loop. However, our plans have changed; we are moving to Spain and will be selling the Mainship this spring.

I'm pretty sure she is one of the best, if not the best, Mainship 430 out there because this is a fresh-water boat, engines are like new with very low hours (the original owner did not put many hours on her), we are the second owners and recently replaced and updated most of the systems.

Some major points:
  • Fresh water boat, which spent all her life around Alexandria, VA
  • 2x Yanmar 6LYA-STP engines with only 370 hours and excellent oil analysis done in Nov 2024
  • Major preventive maintenance done on both engines:
    - All the heat exchangers on both engines were removed, taken apart, cleaned, the seals replaced, and pressure tested
    - Both turbos on both engines were replaced with new ones. Old turbos are kept as spares.
    - All injectors were replaced with new ones (tested and adjusted by a specialized company before installation)
  • The whole bottom was soda-blasted, sanded, sealed with Interprotect, and painted with new antifouling in 2023
  • New Vulcan (Rocna) 73LB anchor
  • All new full-blown Victron-based electrical system with 3x 206Ah LiFePO4 Batteries (618 Ah total),
  • 4x 200A solar panels on the hard bimini (800A of solar)
  • New Simrad chart plotters on the flybridge and at the lower helm
  • The teak saloon floor was replaced last year
  • The vinyl ceiling was replaced last year
  • New fridge
  • New washer/dryer vented outside (also has a ventless mode)
  • Dinghy crane installed in 2023
  • 12v oil-change system connected to both engines and generator makes changing oil a 15-minute job
  • Electric toilets are flushed with fresh water, so you'll never have to worry about stinky hoses
  • Separate showers in both heads (not wet heads)
  • Lots of other updates and improvements ...
I'm a mechanical engineer running a marine repair business in Canada for many years, and my son is an electrical engineer. We ensured everything was done to high standards because the safety of my family depended on it.

I don't have a broker yet, nor did I create the listing anywhere because the decision to sell has not been easy, but I know this is something to be done, and a recent post of someone looking for Mainship pushed me to start the process.

She is in Woodbridge, VA, and moving to Colonial Beach, VA, in April.
The boat has been kept in a covered slip for the last few years and will be in the covered slip in the new marina.

Let me know if you are interested. I'm asking at the high end of the price range because of all the recent updates and the turn-key condition of the boat. The attached photos were taken last year.
More photos will be taken when we return to the boat in March - April.

Asking Price: $269,000

* Buyer brokers are welcome.


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Uh, thanks
I missed the price requirement.
Give me a few hours to do more research on that.
Just sent you a direct message. Looks like a nice boat and the model we are interested in finding!
For the last three years, we have been preparing our 2002 Mainship 430 for the Caribbean and the Great Loop. However, our plans have changed; we are moving to Spain and will be selling the Mainship this spring.

I'm pretty sure she is one of the best, if not the best, Mainship 430 out there because this is a fresh-water boat, engines are like new with very low hours (the original owner did not put many hours on her), we are the second owners and recently replaced and updated most of the systems.

Some major points:
  • Fresh water boat, which spent all her life around Alexandria, VA
  • 2x Yanmar 6LYA-STP engines with only 370 hours and excellent oil analysis done in Nov 2024
  • Major preventive maintenance done on both engines:
    - All the heat exchangers on both engines were removed, taken apart, cleaned, the seals replaced, and pressure tested
    - Both turbos on both engines were replaced with new ones. Old turbos are kept as spares.
    - All injectors were replaced with new ones (tested and adjusted by a specialized company before installation)
  • The whole bottom was soda-blasted, sanded, sealed with Interprotect, and painted with new antifouling in 2023
  • New Vulcan (Rocna) 73LB anchor
  • All new full-blown Victron-based electrical system with 3x 206Ah LiFePO4 Batteries (618 Ah total),
  • 4x 200A solar panels on the hard bimini (800A of solar)
  • New Simrad chart plotters on the flybridge and at the lower helm
  • The teak saloon floor was replaced last year
  • The vinyl ceiling was replaced last year
  • New fridge
  • New washer/dryer vented outside (also has a ventless mode)
  • Dinghy crane installed in 2023
  • 12v oil-change system connected to both engines and generator makes changing oil a 15-minute job
  • Electric toilets are flushed with fresh water, so you'll never have to worry about stinky hoses
  • Separate showers in both heads (not wet heads)
  • Lots of other updates and improvements ...
I'm a mechanical engineer running a marine repair business in Canada for many years, and my son is an electrical engineer. We ensured everything was done to high standards because the safety of my family depended on it.

I don't have a broker yet, nor did I create the listing anywhere because the decision to sell has not been easy, but I know this is something to be done, and a recent post of someone looking for Mainship pushed me to start the process.

She is in Woodbridge, VA, and moving to Colonial Beach, VA, in April.
The boat has been kept in a covered slip for the last few years and will be in the covered slip in the new marina.

Let me know if you are interested. I'm asking at the high end of the price range because of all the recent updates and the turn-key condition of the boat. The attached photos were taken last year.
More photos will be taken when we return to the boat in March - April.

Asking Price: $269,000

* Buyer brokers are welcome.
We are interested. Tommy
Hi Tommy,

Sure thing. We are planning to go there and take more photos at the beginning of March, de-winterize and test all the systems in April to prepare for the survey and list her for sale mid- or end- April.

I'll post more photos in March as soon as I have them.
Very Interested. Would like to see her, in Alexandria, Woodbridge, or especially Colonial Beach. We live in Reedville. Let us know when you move her.
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