For New Members

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Oct 6, 2007
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1983 42' Present Sundeck
Seeing that there seems to be a run on new members lately I thought it might be helpful to offer a Quick Start Guide.

Obviously there is a lot of great information to be accessed at this site. There are methods in place to allow you to search past subjects to answer questions you may have. In the event that you have a question that has not been covered- lets say: Do I put oil in my engine where it says oil fill?, or What is the best way to replace my cutlass bearing with the boat still in the water? Doesn't matter- Protocol will be about the same and it will go something like this...............*
<ul>[*]First you will be welcomed to the site and made to feel welcome by any of the numerous, helpful participants. After that you will be informed that you are indeed correct- pour the oil in the oil fill.[*]Following that- 1 or 2 more responses will confirm that yes, indeed you were given the correct information and to follow it in a careul manner.[*]Next is where the fun starts. One of our Guru's (or soon to be Guru's) will comment that even though the answer appears simple enough- the process has changed and the answer given no longer applies.[*]Usually about now Keith will post an excellent link to the engine manufacturer- showing the location of the oil fill cap.[*]This would usually be followed up by an offer to send you an Excel spread sheet by another participant. This will allow you to track the amount of oil installed, the effort required to remove the cap, and finally the remaining oil inventory in quarts[*]Marin will usually jump in at this point and mention airplanes. Not that it applies to your problem- he just likes airplanes.[*]Baker will second whatever comment Marin made- he like airplanes too.[*]Fast Fred will correct whatever Baker and Marin just agreed on. His post will have only 4 words- 2 of which are misspelled.[*]The new member will usually thank everyone for all the input[/list]So welcome aboard! Get your feet wet. Bottom line is that this group is largely made up of boaters who live, eat and breath boating. Unfortunatley due to work, broken boats, or wives who refuse to give it all up to "Live a Board" we tend to get boat a couple of weekends a month and talk boating daily.
I sure hope that no one is offended by Forklift's synopsis but you have to admit he's on the mark! And damn funny too!
Forkliftt wrote:
<ul>[*]Marin will usually jump in at this point and mention airplanes. Not that it applies to your problem- he just likes airplanes.[*]Baker will second whatever comment Marin made- he like airplanes too.[/list]
Well..... there ARE a lot of similarities between the aviation world and the boating world, not the least of which is that a pilot (in command) and a skipper are each solely responsible for the safety of their craft. It's a written rule in aviation. I'm not sure it's actually written down in boating, but it's still true. This tends to give pilots and skippers a similar approach to the way they view the operation of their craft.

I believe this is one reason there are a lot of pilots involved in boating. The challenges are similar and both require similar skills and attitudes to do it safely and successfully.

The best thing, of course, is to combine them both into one machine, like this. The only problem my wife and I have found with this concept is that while we get there sooner in the DHC2 (110 mph @ 23 gph) we can't cook, walk around outside, or take a dump in it while we're underway like we can in the GB36 (8 kts @ 5 gph).

-- Edited by Marin at 21:42, 2009-01-29


  • dhc2.jpg
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There are also great things to be learned from both the RV folks , parts for the "camper" part of boating at non "Boat Buck" prices, and OTR (over the road trucks) as that's where many of our engine blocks start life.

The aircraft folks are as desperate for reliability as most marine mariners , just willing to actually pay for it.

Diversity in OPINION , makes this a MUCH better board than most.


-- Edited by FF at 05:24, 2009-01-29
You forgot to mention that FF will also blame the fact that engines need oil in the first place on a dumbocratic, enviro-nazi, feminista, commie conspiracy to force us all to pay more taxes so the welfare bums and socialists can have more to spend on drugs!
tlaw7 wrote:

You forgot to mention that FF will also blame the fact that engines need oil in the first place on a dumbocratic, enviro-nazi, feminista, commie conspiracy to force us all to pay more taxes so the welfare bums and socialists can have more to spend on drugs!
Well, yeah... so what's your point???

I didn't get it either...

Thanks for the laugh, Forky!!!!...
You are most welcome.Steve

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