Fishermen Rescue Kelpie Dog from Point Perpendicular

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Oct 31, 2011
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With 5M waves and lots of wind and rain in Sydney, here`s a heart warming story, especially for the many TF dog lovers. Essentially, fishermen in a boat near a sea cliff on the NSW south coast hear a dog barking. It`s stuck partway down a cliff and has been for 11 days. One dons a lifejacket and swims in to rescue it, together they return to the boat. Dog gets reunited with owner.
The kelpie is an Australian working breed, with some border collie and even some dingo(Australian wild dog) in its background. They usually possess what`s called "kelpie smarts", and form strong bonds with their "owners"(? custodians). They will work until they drop and are not averse to a quick dip in an open water tank mid job. I had a German Shepherd/Kelpie cross, in hindsight more Kelpie than Shepherd, a wonderful dog I acquired as a rescue.
So I`ve a personal admiration for what these fishermen did. And for the dog who called for help and saw it through. Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks, I love a good dog story and that one rocked!

I've lived with dogs since age 5 and me thinks I always will - :)
That's agreat effort by the fisherman. Not any easy swim.

I grew up around that area and the seas around the cliffs have a bit of a reputation.

The following is a completley irrelavant peice of information.

At age 12, in my final year of primary school, I took the Point Perpendicular lighthouse keeper's daughter to our school formal.
I am a big dog lover. Have 2 right now. Glad it worked out for the dog and the owner.
That's agreat effort by the fisherman. Not any easy swim.

I grew up around that area and the seas around the cliffs have a bit of a reputation.

The following is a completley irrelavant peice of information.

At age 12, in my final year of primary school, I took the Point Perpendicular lighthouse keeper's daughter to our school formal.
Sadly, the Point Perpendicular Lighthouse is unmanned these days, no more lighthousekeeper`s daughters.
As a kid, I spent time in Jervis Bay, it`s where I learned rowing, surfing a dinghy into the long beach north of Vincentia.
Point Perpendicular is the Pacific Ocean/Tasman sea ocean exposed headland of Jervis Bay, the decision to swim in, and back out,with dog, was courageous. And it`s called "perpendicular" for good reason.
Thank you for sharing this story. I am on my 3rd Kelpie companion and they are truly3 a complete joy. So smart, fun, loving, hard working and loyal. My husband and I (& 1 blue heeler) are going live aboard on a Defever 44+ 5 in the next month. I would be devastated if anything happened like this story. If anyone is curious about the breed there is a fantastic series called Muster dogs on Netflix. Also if anyone reading this knows the perfect Astro turf (non skid) or pad for boat dogs I would love to know it. Thanks.
My favorite part of the TV show Amrica's Funniest Videos is the part called DOG Park where the hounds get into all sorts of trouble.
Thank you for sharing this story. I am on my 3rd Kelpie companion and they are truly3 a complete joy. So smart, fun, loving, hard working and loyal. My husband and I (& 1 blue heeler) are going live aboard on a Defever 44+ 5 in the next month. I would be devastated if anything happened like this story. If anyone is curious about the breed there is a fantastic series called Muster dogs on Netflix. Also if anyone reading this knows the perfect Astro turf (non skid) or pad for boat dogs I would love to know it. Thanks.
Thanks. My pleasure, my last dog was a Shepherd Kelpie cross. They are working dogs best kept occupied. I was amazed seeing one running free in Vancouver a few years back. Muster Dogs just started a new season of kelpie vs border collie pup training, different attitudes, the collie likes instructions, the kelpie likes to work it out itself. The young pups are captivating. One day I might go again.
Great story, they are tough survivors. I have a Blue Heeler, which is related to the Kelpie, and they are an amazing breed, unlike any working dog I've ever had, smart (sometimes too smart), fearless, loyal, tireless, great swimmer.
I have a 3 times Stockton street dog adopted out of the Stockton pound.


Total cuddle buddy - :)
Thanks, I will. She is an American Stafford Greyweiler.
Doggy DNA came back with 50% Am Staff, 25% Rottweiler and 25% Greyhound.
With 5M waves and lots of wind and rain in Sydney, here`s a heart warming story, especially for the many TF dog lovers. Essentially, fishermen in a boat near a sea cliff on the NSW south coast hear a dog barking. It`s stuck partway down a cliff and has been for 11 days. One dons a lifejacket and swims in to rescue it, together they return to the boat. Dog gets reunited with owner.
The kelpie is an Australian working breed, with some border collie and even some dingo(Australian wild dog) in its background. They usually possess what`s called "kelpie smarts", and form strong bonds with their "owners"(? custodians). They will work until they drop and are not averse to a quick dip in an open water tank mid job. I had a German Shepherd/Kelpie cross, in hindsight more Kelpie than Shepherd, a wonderful dog I acquired as a rescue.
So I`ve a personal admiration for what these fishermen did. And for the dog who called for help and saw it through. Hope you enjoy it.
A great story Bruce, thanks for posting.
Point Perpendicular cliffs are 90 metres (295 feet) high, an extremely daunting swim in for the local hero. Even on a relatively calm day, any surge would make coming ashore extremely dangerous against the slimy rocks, let alone the strength and agility to scale the rock face.
Our young rescuer deserves a medal.
Thanks SB/ Don. Such an amazing story I briefly doubted its veracity but it rang true.
At present we don`t have a dog. It frees us up for vacations and boating but I miss having one, so I monster other people`s dogs I meet. Our marina is in a National Park where dogs are forbidden, you enter via a controlled staffed gate to signage "Dogs and Heat Beads (a bbq solid fuel)not allowed". When we go again it may mean life is changing.
A little anecdote regarding my last dog Holly, a rescue Shepherd/Kelpie. Seated, alone, at the breakfast table, Holly snoozing on her accustomed sofa, I received a not unexpected call from my nephew, my sister in Perth had died. Upset,I took a moment, eyes closed,head down on the table. Then I felt Holly`s chin rested on my knee, perceptive comfort at a tough time, never forgotten. She can`t have known why but she wanted to reach out.
Thanks SB/ Don. Such an amazing story I briefly doubted its veracity but it rang true.
At present we don`t have a dog. It frees us up for vacations and boating but I miss having one, so I monster other people`s dogs I meet. Our marina is in a National Park where dogs are forbidden, you enter via a controlled staffed gate to signage "Dogs and Heat Beads (a bbq solid fuel)not allowed". When we go again it may mean life is changing.
A little anecdote regarding my last dog Holly, a rescue Shepherd/Kelpie. Seated, alone, at the breakfast table, Holly snoozing on her accustomed sofa, I received a not unexpected call from my nephew, my sister in Perth had died. Upset,I took a moment, eyes closed,head down on the table. Then I felt Holly`s chin rested on my knee, perceptive comfort at a tough time, never forgotten. She can`t have known why but she wanted to reach out.
Yes, they are a big commitment for those who look after them as a family member, but unparalleled devotion of course.
We compromised this time round with half a dog, a Maltese Shih Tzu, non shedding bliss around the house/boat. 5 kilograms, (11 pounds) in weight, single handed lift in and out of the dinghy, perfect boat dog.
Absolutely adores my wife, and barely tolerates me :)
Ah yes, family member you know;


And being a short hair with no undercoat, she likes to be tucked in too - :)
Following a computer mishap I can`t post a photo of my late Holly but I can report she commandeered an upstairs bedroom until arthritis inhibited stair usage.
How in the heck did the dog end up on the cliff in the first place?

FWC finds dogs, usually labs, swimming in bays pretty frequently, some of them are a long way from land.

Our rescue dog, Isla, is a Lab/Australian Cattle Dog/Catahoula mix. I have never had a herding breed or a mix before, so she is a bit of a revelation. She is 42 pounds (perfect size for a boat), super bossy and a ridiculous athlete. I have seen her leap and catch a low flying bird twice. A few months ago she caught an adult doe in our yard, nipped its legs like a it was a disobediant sheep. It eventually jumped our fence. She trail runs with me three or four times a week, she has the endurance to run me into the ground no problem at all. I used to let her run off leash, but she chased a deer once and was gone for 5 minutes before she came back. Scared me so much that I use a waist leash for her now.

This is her with her best buddy (she's the one on top).

Isla and Ponce 2.jpg
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We compromised this time round with half a dog, a Maltese Shih Tzu, non shedding bliss around the house/boat. 5 kilograms, (11 pounds) in weight, single handed lift in and out of the dinghy, perfect boat dog.
Absolutely adores my wife, and barely tolerates me :)
Half a dog! 🤣 I'm stealing that! Here's mine, mostly Shih Tzu, rescue, all of 8.5 lbs. Yes, perfect boat dog.

molly 08.20.24.jpg
Well, not to be outdone.

Basil our late Old English Sheep dog, doing what all OES's do, checking to make sure your are not after his flock of sheep.(preferably from a prone position).

Dogs and boats are definitely a good pair. Here's a few pictures of Xander (Standard Poodle) enjoying the boat. He took to it very well considering he was almost 5 before he ever saw a boat (he's 10 now).

We now have a second dog, a female Standard named Raven. She's only just shy of 4 months now, so still lots more training to do before boating season. In a few months we'll have to get her a set of shoes and see how she does with them, then see how she adapts to the boat.


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