First overnight trip

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Veteran Member
Jan 14, 2009
Well, we finally did our first overnight trip on our trawler conversion. *Very much like camping on the sea but great fun none the less. *We went south of Phuket originally planning to anchor at an island about 22 NM from our mooring. *However we were late leaving, it was quite rough and I had no lights wired up on the boat so needed to anchor before dark and give myself some time to connect some lights, so we stopped at an island a little over half way there for the night. *

This part was the first run in unprotected waters for me with this boat with any kind of swell and wind and I was happy with the way the boat handled it, especially towing our 22 foot fibreglass Panga behind.

After temporarily wiring up a bunch of the LED lights I bought months ago and a couple of Hella turbo fans in the cabin it all started to seem a little more homely. *I was really happy to see the kids enjoying it and they all slept well along with my wife.

The next morning I got up early to move onto our original destination and found out why most people have anchor winches! *I think I want one of those drum type winches with a hydraulic drive the guys are talking about in an other topic right now. *I do know of one second hand one that is available here but it would need some modifications to make it small enough to fit my foredeck. *But I guess that should wait till after beds, toilet and cooking/washing facilities.

After a half day on a deserted beach we spent the afternoon cruising back to Phuket. *All in all a successful first overnight trip. *Here are some pics.

Cheers, Leon.


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Having followed your build and seen so many photos of your improvements, ending with an offshore cruise, has been very satisfying for me. Congratulations on a job well done!
You, sir, are living the life!* Love the shot of the munchkin in the anchor chain basket.

- Darrell
Same thing Seahorse said, its been great watching you build the boat and now out cruising. That is one beautiful boat.
Baton Rouge
Thanks guys. *There will be one more build session coming up, but probably still a couple of months away yet as I need to build up the kitty a little first.

Cheers, Leon.
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