Make certain the installer agrees to install the system in a manner that complies with both the remanufacturers installation instructions (all of them, especially and including mounting as high as possible, this is frequent violated), and ABYC A-4 Firefighting Equipment.
ABYC guidelines specify that the volume calculation assumes the engine room is empty of equipment, the only item that is subtracted is tankage. These systems should not be oversized, doing so removes the non-lethal component of gasses like FM200 and Novec. Even though this is not considered a normally occupied space, and thus it is not required, in my opinion you should be using a gas that is safe for people.
The system should include a manual discharge, and ideally an auto-shut down system, both of which are required for ABYC compliance.
You cannot install multiple bottles to collectively cover the volume of the space unless it is an engineered system, which includes plumbing the bottles together, with a common discharge nozzle. Most vessels with engine rooms up to about 1500 cu ft. utilize pre-engineered systems, which use single bottle.
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