Senior Member
Seems our own "FF" has passed.
FF was special. No doubt about it.
Had many argument/conversations w him about over propping.
This takes me back to the extensive discussions I had w Marin Faure.
It’s odd that we never realize how wonderful our lives are until they’re in the past. Distant past frequently but it can happen over a day.
It’s odd too that often when we learn about it we are much more like each other here on TF than we probably would assume. FF and I were both shop teachers for a short time and also aviators. I always had one foot in aviation and eventually flew hang gliders and ultra lights. My father was into boats and owned and flew a Fokker seaplane. Yes the German one. It was wood w a cantilever wing. I’ll bet if we all had our cards on the table it would be amazing how similar we are.
Thank you FF for staying with us for so many years.
And thank you bluebyu for posting.
Yes, Fred was definitely a one-of-a-kind old school sailor. I was often frustrated by that approach as I thought it was a failure not to look at the problem from a modern tech point of view. But Fred was probably more often right than wrong.
I too will also miss him and his acerbic wit.
Well said. What happened to MF?
FF was special.... FF and I were both shop teachers for a short time and also aviators. I always had one foot in aviation and eventually flew hang gliders and ultra lights. My father was into boats and owned and flew a Fokker seaplane. Yes the German one. It was wood w a cantilever wing. I’ll bet if we all had our cards on the table it would be amazing how similar we are.
Thank you FF for staying with us for so many years.
And thank you bluebyu for posting.
Now my memory has worked on it for a bit and I think Marin’s friend w the Lobsterboat was Carey .. not Corey. Wonder if he’s still in Bellingham too?
I must’a dialed out on the “big jet debates” .. don’t recall.
I will miss his simple solutions to complex problems. He may have been a curmudgeon but he was a knowledgeable curmudgeon. Sympathy and positive thoughts to his bride Charlene.