Share of diesel and costs trip up Inside Passage for trawler lovers......*Experienced crew will teach you.* * Come experience the wonders of the Inside Passage aboard the Ursa Major (65 foot classic Malahide trawler) as she heads for her charter season in Alaska June 10 to 19 Seattle to Ketchikan.** Special*rates for trawler lovers wishing the experience of the passage.*** $1500 per person shared stateroom.*** Flights back from Ketchikan to Seattle via Alaska Airlines*are*$267.80.** ** Must have passport as you travel through Canadian waters.* We do not travel at night but through most daylight hours weather permiting.*** Opportunity to continue for another week gunkholing in Alaska at additional costs.*** Contact Joyce at info@myursamajor.com or 206-310-2309.***View the boat at www.myursmajor.com* or google URSA MAJOR CHARTERS. **