Engine removal

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Nov 25, 2024
Pensacola, Florida
Again, good evening, gentlemen. This is 8 alpha actual. I have one more question if there is anybody that has any experience Removing A ford lehman 120hp from a 1978 40' Marine Trader? Please advice just in case I have to. Thank.

8alpha actual out.
Are you looking to just pull it up out of the engine room or completely out of the boat?
Are you looking to just pull it up out of the engine room or completely out of the boat?
Well, I'm not planning anything yet because I don't know if I have to I just want to stay a little bit. You know a couple of steps ahead in case I do. But if I if I do, then i'm gonna have to The entire engine out.
Well the 120 is a relatively narrow engine so you can likely get it out a door without lots of stripping the engine down. Getting it up and out of the engine room is fairly easy. I did both of my SP225s up into the salon but I didn’t take them out of the boat. I just wanted them out of the engine room. I made a crane out some 6x6s and a 6” I beam. Lifted them one at a time and stacked them on top of each other while I was doing work in the engine room.
Find a boatyard with an articulating arm that can be mounted on a fork lift. They will strip the engine, pick it up and bring it out the saloon door. Take some measurements. All Marine Traders are different but tape measures are all the same. Measure your fuel tanks too. They should fit out the door too but probably on their sides. You need a couple of guys to do this. You also need to know you can fit their replacements back in the same way.
Just FYI, if you’re asking about removal because of a possible rebuild I’ve seen videos where the Leman is rebuilt in place. You can google “trawler Tom” and I think there’s videos of it.

For the bottom end, I think once stripped down they flip the engine block over to deal with the crank, ect.
+1 for rebuild in in the Engine room if you can. If it's just too crowded, in the salon, no need to go out unless the block needs machine work. I have the room I'd lift it, and spin it into the center walkway upside down to do the bottom end, then back in place.
I'd suggest that you talk to Brian at American Diesel and get his input.
He is the ONLY Ford Lehman expert and will be glad to offer advice.
He will also have part that you need.
Good luck.
I had a Lehman 120 pulled from my twin-engine boat for rebuild, and it was accomplished with specially setup forklift as described above. Another time I participated in lifting two Lehman 80 HP engines, one at a time, into the salon of a 37-foot Taiwan trawler in order to cut out and replace the fuel tanks. A wooden beam was supported with wooden bipods in the salon with 4X4 beams supporting the salon deck under down to engine stringers. Several chain hoists were used to raise the engine enough to set it down on wooden beams. The new tanks were sized to fit down into the engine room with the engine thus raised - he ended up with four tanks, two per side instead of the original two. As soon as the first two new tanks were in, we lowered the engine back onto its stringers and proceeded to raise the other engine to repeat the rip out and install process.
Rich, that is pretty much how I pulled the engines in our last boat. Pretty easy.
Once again I thank you for the advice in the guidance. I just got up to where the boat is. Which is Newbern. North Carolina and going through the process right now. I hope it doesn't come to that. But if it does I know I can count on you. Gentlemen, to give me the best advice possible. And thank you for giving me bridesphone number. I really do appreciate it. I will keep you all posted.
Again thanks guys.

8alfa... out.
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