I had a Lehman 120 pulled from my twin-engine boat for rebuild, and it was accomplished with specially setup forklift as described above. Another time I participated in lifting two Lehman 80 HP engines, one at a time, into the salon of a 37-foot Taiwan trawler in order to cut out and replace the fuel tanks. A wooden beam was supported with wooden bipods in the salon with 4X4 beams supporting the salon deck under down to engine stringers. Several chain hoists were used to raise the engine enough to set it down on wooden beams. The new tanks were sized to fit down into the engine room with the engine thus raised - he ended up with four tanks, two per side instead of the original two. As soon as the first two new tanks were in, we lowered the engine back onto its stringers and proceeded to raise the other engine to repeat the rip out and install process.