Electronic upgrade

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Jul 29, 2011
Vessel Name
Takes Two
Vessel Make
Defever 49 RPH
We are new owners of an 81 34 Californian trawler and although the prevoius owner spent booko bucks on her with new engines, cockpit roof, davit crane, etc, etc, she does need some upgraded electronics.

My question is what have others done with networking capabilites.

Currently we have a Raymarine C80, and 6001 autopilot in the flybridge, and in the lower helm a small garmin chartplotter but they are all stand alone systems. The Si tex sounder unit died a week or so ago and is now a paper weight so the timing is right except for cash to upgrade, hence the question on networking.

Your input is appreciated.



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I love the Blue Hull, there are a couple 34's on this site painted blue. *

Anyway there are a couple of recent threads on this site, where we pretty much beat the topic of electronic upgrades to death. *I think they are mostly located in the topic line under Maintenance, and look in*Electrical and Electronics & Navigation**

I personally upgrade to a Garmin 4012 chart plotter, with GPS, Sonar and network. *The new stuff Garmin produces all networks together if you wish, by simply plugging them together with a USB cable through a network adapter. *If you have any electrical / assembly skills at all, buy your components on line and install them yourself and save a bundle.

Larry B
Welcome aboard. I love the dark colored hull. But, I am a bit prejudiced. Is it black or blue? I realy like the cockpit hardtop, that is something I would like to add to mine someday. Do you know where it came from?
The boat is a very dark blue almost black. The PO designed, engineered and installed the cockpit hardtop and I beleive he told me it was about $10k not including adding the electric davit on the roof.*

I decided to stay with Raymarine and bought the sounder and transducer today to start the process, so this weekend I will install the transducer and hopefully it will go well.
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