Double Bajo Bolt

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Moderator Emeritus
Jul 30, 2009
Vessel Name
Skinny Dippin'
Vessel Make
Navigator 4200 Classic
As my fuel line exits to top of the final (engine mounted) filter on my Perkins 6.354, there is a unique looking 90-degree banjo bolt. One side feeds the injection pump and the other is the return to the tanks. The fact that it is 90-degrees greatly interferes with the bolt that removes the filter. Since I am overhauling the whole system anyway, I would like to change it to a better configuration.

Is there a version where the ports are 180-degrees from each other?
If not, can I replace it with a stached double banjo bolt?

GonzoF1 wrote:

As my fuel line exits to top of the final (engine mounted) filter on my Perkins 6.354, there is a unique looking 90-degree banjo bolt. One side feeds the injection pump and the other is the return to the tanks. The fact that it is 90-degrees greatly interferes with the bolt that removes the filter. Since I am overhauling the whole system anyway, I would like to change it to a better configuration.

Is there a version where the ports are 180-degrees from each other?
If not, can I replace it with a stached double banjo bolt?


Are you saying that the two lines that leave the Banjo com off at 90*.*

Never seen a double Banjo it would be a leaking nightmare.

Here is a picture. Upon closer inspection, I have found out the hole in the bolt portion to be a mere pinhole. I assume it's because diesel fuel is so thin compared to brake fluid. I'm wondering if double bolts for dual carb engines would work. However, those bolts will be flowing a fair bit more fuel than I. Maybe not the best idea.

Anyway... Picture ---


  • banjo.jpg
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That looks to be part of a CAV fuel filter housing. I suspect the bolt you are struggling with is a 1/4" bolt (uses a 7/16 wrench). The banjo fitting sits right above it and one of the tubes covers the head of the filter bolt as I recall.
The Lehman uses a set of CAV filters (Baldwin # BF825), I remember where Keith posted pics of his "upgraded" fuel filter conversion. As I recall it is a spin-on filter from his pics. This upgrade should work for your filter housing, eliminating the need to access the 1/4" bolt head.
Oh... That would be sweet! Any links to the conversion?
That should do it.

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