Do boats have feelings?

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Dec 13, 2009
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1996 36' Island Gypsy Classic
If you just returned from the Trip of a Lifetime and had no plans of extended cruising in the*foreseeable future, would you

Ditch the boat like an old pair of socks and sell it.

Keep the boat a while and just enjoy it locally.

Hang on to the boat*forever---** your kids get it.
[popping popcorn]

Selling a boat can be difficult, especially if many memories are attached to it.* I think if you are going to go boating you must come to terms with the sale of something that is part of your life.

Whatever you do, don't give it to your kids..* Unless you hate them
Yes they do. They also have ears which is why you should not talk about selling them within earshot of your boat b/c then stuff will start breaking left and right.
Ditch the boat like an old pair of socks and sell it.

Keep the boat a while and just enjoy it locally.

I plan on doing something in between those two. I don't plan on ditching the boat...but I plan on passing it along to a new loving owner to enjoy.
They do.

But the wise owner has feelings for the water, not a particular boat.
1) I only throw socks away when they fail in such a way that they can no longer be useful.

2) It would depend on how much money is left after a trip of a lifetime.

3) I hate kids.

Not to be too realistic and logical here, but if you think your boat has feelings or can hear you talk about it... you need psychotherapy.
Of course, boats don't have feelings, but you had better not cross 'em!
GonzoF1 wrote:

Not to be too realistic and logical here, but if you think your boat has feelings or can hear you talk about it... you need psychotherapy.

Gonzo, I read this post of yours to my boat and she asked that I let you know that you are very wrong! *

The trip of a lifetime is fun, but I bought my boat for all the local trips, weekend trips, 2-6 week vacations and sometimes just to go sit on the back and have a cold one. For me, the trip of a lifetime is one event out of many and doesn't indicate the end of my boat enjoyment.
2bucks wrote:

The trip of a lifetime is fun, but I bought my boat for all the local trips, weekend trips, 2-6 week vacations and sometimes just to go sit on the back and have a cold one. For me, the trip of a lifetime is one event out of many and doesn't indicate the end of my boat enjoyment.
********* Ken, Your the first respondent, That would probably keep the boat.*

****************** Good for You.** JohnP

To clarify, I would keep the boat as well. As Ken said, a trip of a lifetime is just one event. Boats are fun regardless of how far you go. Some of our funnest boating has been anchoring out 20 minutes from whatever marina we kept our boat at at the time. And I agree- just kicking back at the dock on a nice day with friends and family is very fun and beats sitting at home cutting the grass. :)
Woodsong wrote:

To clarify, I would keep the boat as well. As Ken said, a trip of a lifetime is just one event. Boats are fun regardless of how far you go. Some of our funnest boating has been anchoring out 20 minutes from whatever marina we kept our boat at at the time. And I agree- just kicking back at the dock on a nice day with friends and family is very fun and beats sitting at home cutting the grass. :)
********* Tony, This all blends well with the "Go with what you*got theory".

**********To take a trip with a boat you feel at home with, and return to your local waters to play another day, to me seems better than getting some full blown, four bedroom dream boat and dumping it the day you get back.

********** But to each is own.*** Glad to hear you are down with not using a boat for a one time fling.


After I sink too much time and money in a particular boat, I then pass it on to someone smarter than me (they get a much better deal than I got) and I start all over again....there should be a BBA (boat buyers anonymous) somewhere I can join. But my boats so far all seemed to appreciate the love and attention lavished on them!

-- Edited by Avista on Wednesday 9th of March 2011 01:11:39 PM
2bucks wrote:

The trip of a lifetime is fun, but I bought my boat for all the local trips, weekend trips, 2-6 week vacations and sometimes just to go sit on the back and have a cold one. For me, the trip of a lifetime is one event out of many and doesn't indicate the end of my boat enjoyment.
The boat is the center of our life and if we did sell*it, it would be to get another or becuase something awful had happened.*

I am begining to see a pattern here.. There must be a lot of boats in commission and in very good shape.* Loaded with toys and expensive improvements.* That people are very*motivated to dump.

If I hit the mega mega gazzillion lotto.** I would purchase a series of Marinas around the entire Great Circle Route.* These would be my service stations for a fleet of boats, Loopers could lease for a once around adventure.

Think how much money I could lose in operating expenses.* But, I would be happy running this operation.* Not to mention meeting great folks and helping them out.

My first boat was a 31 ft trimaran, sailed her for 15 years, second boat was a 22 ft C-Dory, cruised her for 15 years, including trips to SE Alaska, only sold her due to older age body issues. I now have a 37ft trawler, and plan to keep her till I can't find the marina anymore! LOL Actually, I will probably have to downsize in the future when I can no longer do the maintenance or afford to pay for it.

I always talk to my boats, especially if she has brought us thru difficult water safely. I de-named both boats prior to selling them, there is a ceremony for that. * Superstitious, perhaps, but much of boating is an iffy art form, like anchoring. Sailors have been trying to keep the sea and weather g-ds on their side for a long time, having an appreciation for the fickleness of both can only help.

Love your boat, and tell her she is a good girl, take care of her and she will take care of you.
Larry H wrote:

I always talk to my boats, especially if she has brought us thru difficult water safely. I de-named both boats prior to selling them, there is a ceremony for that.**

Larry,* I like the way you think.* How do you do a de-naming?

Every boat I ever sold the new owners changed the name so I think
de-naming makes sense.*


Love your boat, and tell her she is a good girl, take care of her and she will take care of you.


Just type 'denaming ceremony' in the google search box. Lots of references.
I think y'all are selling yourselves short if you are limiting yourself to only one "trip of a lifetime"!!!!
I think my boat is a living thing.

When I step aboard she rolls a little just to help me on.
*When I turn the key she sings.
The slap of the pistons and the purr as she settles in.
the soft bump as I slide her into gear.
As*I push up the throttle she surges like she wants more.
As I near cruise speed her song changes.
she humms a beautifull song*
*A song of waves, wind, sun and rain.

Yes I think my boat has feelings
*I think she loves me.

That is why the Admiras thinks I'm having an affair.

Dave - SD,

That's how both my husband and I feel about "Delia Rosa".... I guess we're in a "menage a trois"!
skipperdude wrote:

I think my boat is a living thing.

When I step aboard she rolls a little just to help me on.
When I turn the key she sings.
The slap of the pistons and the purr as she settles in.
the soft bump as I slide her into gear.
As*I push up the throttle she surges like she wants more.
As I near cruise speed her song changes.
she humms a beautifull song*
A song of waves, wind, sun and rain.

Yes I think my boat has feelings
I think she loves me.

That is why the Admiras thinks I'm having an affair.


If your boat could read this, and she very well may able to, I think she would be pleased!
A very good series of books on topic is Robin Hobb's Liveship trilogy.* It's about boats that attain consciousness and is pretty interesting on the subject of the relationship between ship and master.
Every time I go out in my boat to me is a trip of a lifetime. Funnily enough, over the last 2 weeks of the year, when we were out on the Pacific Sun, I enjoyed it immensely, but could hardly wait to get home to take Lotus out on her New Year cruise for even a few days. Sadly that did not happen....but more about that later.
Have you noticed how much more you enjoy a water-based holiday when you don't ever have to think, "when I go home this will all end", because back home, you have your own boat.
However, just for now, I am having to accept delayed gratification because I have not been able to have that new year cruise.....or one since, because she can't go. We are still waiting for parts. However, I'm assured they are going through cutoms even as I type...he beddaberight...!* Ahhhhh the pain of withdrawal.......
Every time I wake up in the morning, the adventure continues.
Damm right. Never let your boat know she's for sale. She will turn into a spiteful bitch and express herself through multiple failures and bad habits immediately. Don't ask me how I know this.
I dont think boats have feelings, but we sure do. *When it comes to selling the Eagle, it will be hard and the new owners will have to meet my approval. If the new owner does not like to maintain/puts then the Eagle would not be a good boat.****

However, I would put it off as long as possible by first moor the boat back in fresh water which is easier on the boat and/or pull the boat and storage on the hard for 9 month of the year.* On the hard storage is cheaper, not as hard on the boat, less worries, the total boat can be maintained each year and with the Webasto Diesel heater it could still be heated.* There are several 40+boats in our marina that are dried stored over the winter.* Everett marina is developing a new bigger yard so boats can be stored.*

A very far fetch idea is one of our children might come to our aid?* Well, miracle do happen.
Lets see... do boats have feelings (i.e. some sort of mechanical/material form of a soul)??? Humph, let me think on that... Guess what my feeling may be after reading what I say/feel. Bet you guess the correct answer to what I actually believe - from experience!

The reason we call her HER and not he is because she gives birth... every time we make love to her she makes love back to us! She really is a big sexie, firtle btch!

- When we tend to her troubles she is ready to birth more good times for us!
- When we take her on a trip she always helps to birth great dreams in our slumber!
- When we shine her up she usually births a party as co-boat-addicts come aboard for complements, and of course to party!
- When we haul her ass out in slings to spank and then pet her bottom she smiles wide and births a bill for us to pay!
- When we tune her up and fill her motors and trany with fine, new fluids she births smiles on our faces... because we know that need not occur again too soon!
- When we put new furniture inside, spruce up the heads/showers and set new ornaments for viewing in her salon she births extreme relaxation for us as we then watch a night time of movie videos!
- When we spread her two bimini over the bridge and upper level sun deck she births a mellow tan on our bodies!

Now, with all those birth rights there simply aint no way she could possibly be a he!!

Oh yes one other small thang! Dont forget to thank her for each birth sequence she so lovingly provides... Cause if Mommas Happy Everybodys Happy!!!

LOL - Art
Art wrote:

Lets see... do boats have feelings (i.e. some sort of mechanical/material form of a soul)??? Humph, let me think on that... Guess what my feeling may be after reading what I say/feel. Bet you guess the correct answer to what I actually believe - from experience!

The reason we call her HER and not he is because she gives birth... every time we make love to her she makes love back to us! She really is a big sexie, firtle btch!

- When we tend to her troubles she is ready to birth more good times for us!
- When we take her on a trip she always helps to birth great dreams in our slumber!
- When we shine her up she usually births a party as co-boat-addicts come aboard for complements, and of course to party!
- When we haul her ass out in slings to spank and then pet her bottom she smiles wide and births a bill for us to pay!
- When we tune her up and fill her motors and trany with fine, new fluids she births smiles on our faces... because we know that need not occur again too soon!
- When we put new furniture inside, spruce up the heads/showers and set new ornaments for viewing in her salon she births extreme relaxation for us as we then watch a night time of movie videos!
- When we spread her two bimini over the bridge and upper level sun deck she births a mellow tan on our bodies!

Now, with all those birth rights there simply aint no way she could possibly be a he!!

Oh yes one other small thang! Dont forget to thank her for each birth sequence she so lovingly provides... Cause if Mommas Happy Everybodys Happy!!!

LOL - Art
********* Hey Art- With all that birthing you must have been there laying her keel.

********* Good post- like your chemistry with the old gal.** JohnP

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