Cummins VT-555-M service manual

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May 26, 2024
New Zealand
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Pelin Coaster
Hi all. I am looking for a service manual for my Cummins VT-555-M.
I have found a few PDF online but just wanted to know if any other 555 owners can recommend anything.
I’m in NZ so will most likely need to be from online.
Thanks in advance
I have a V555M, not the turbo version but I THINK the owners manual is the same.
It covers several similar engines although not all are the same.

THe parts manual and service manuals will be somewhat different.

Go to Boat Diesel Forums. There are owners manuals in the PDF files on the L.H. side of the main page when you log in. There is also a parts manual both of which I downloaded many years ago now. Other have loaded more info and duplicates.

You will need to join the forum for $25 to gain access allowing you to download some of the info at a time. If you want all of it at once I think the membership is $50 to allow that.

Have lots of paper and a decent printer as there is a lot of info. Also a bunch of time.

I will add that manuals , both owners and parts, may be available from Ebay but only when an owner makes them available. I have gotten stuff , specialty tools, other manuals that way. Just be patient as they only appear from time to time now.
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thanks for the great info. Will check those out.
Unfortunately Boat Diesel appears to be down and not available.
Keep trying though. I am as I found them to be a good site with lots of info, advice, manuals and so on.
Hi all, and thank you for your responses. I managed to get a PDF manual from jensales.
I now have a heat exchanger issue and need to find gaskets for the end caps. Cummins NZ have not been able to find anything. Does anyone have a recommendation on a supplier in US or other? As I have already seen in posts this is an old engine and parts are hard to find. Also there seems to be a fee h/ex options for this engine which doesn’t help.
Since Boat Diesel appears to be gone I suggest next try Ebay. Post your question about manuals and maybe someone has a set they are will to sell.

Ebay has or had a function that allowed you to pose your request for long periods of time hopefully that someone will offer a set. They , Ebay, then sends you a question if you are still interested.
I got some hard to find tools that way.
Hi C Lectric
Thanks for the tip
Will test that out

I have the same engine(s). When I cleaned and flushed my heat exchangers, I couldn't find any gaskets either. I got gasket material and traces the end caps and made my own. They have been working great.

Good luck.
Thanks for your comments. I have ended up doing just that. From initial testing I think I have a leak in a tube so more targeted testing needed to find it and isolate that tube.
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