Cummins 330 Belt Tensioner

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Oct 5, 2007
I read through all four pages of the discussion*that mentioned*this issue and still cannot figure out if*Cummins*belt tensioners are all the same.
I am not sure just what your question on the tensioner is. I have seen a modification suggested by Tony Athens of Seaboard Marine probably if you called them they would have information on the tensioners and which ones are used on different engines they seem very Knowlegable on the Cummins engines. their phone is 800 200 2628 Brad is the shop foreman.
My Cummins tech came this morning to install a new exhaust riser. I asked him about the belt tensioner. He said that they were probably all the same, but he wasn't sure. A new one is about $150 from Cummins. He also answered my long standiing mystery of the black plastic bits under the front of the engine...from the belt tensioner. When I asked him several months ago he said that he did not know where they came from but since then he has changed a tensioner on another boat and saw black plastic bits hanging out of it.

I suggest you follow Steve's suggestion and call Brad. is replete with Cummins tensioner and water pump failure issues - that the techs and factory seem oblivious to. You may want to check your dampener too as a source of "bits and pieces"

-- Edited by sunchaser on Saturday 19th of February 2011 10:50:34 AM
Doc and others with Cummins B series,

After reading of the many problems with belt tensioners on, I have worried endlessly over them on my 2 330 B's. I think Brad or Tony at Seaboard told me that Cummins changed the design around '97. Check to be sure. Mine are both '97's and I checked the port engine tensioner about 10 hours ago and had a mechanic check the stbd last week, since I can't get my 6'3" frame into position to remove the front cover. All seemed well, but I still worry after reading some of the horror stories on
When I repowered my Mainship with a 6BTA 270 the front cover never made it to the boat.

I removed it on (an unofficial) suggestion by the Cummins tech at the distributor where I bought the engine.
You need the cover off to properly do a visual inspection on your engine.
jleonard wrote:
You need the cover off to properly do a visual inspection on your engine.
Yes very true. I wonder if the cover servs any other purpose other than to protect the inspector from injury?*

That is it.
I have seen one Cummins engine where the owner cut out the front surface of the cover and installed a lexan plate attached with screws. Protects while still providing a means to do a visual. Not a bad solution in lieu of scrapping the cover.
Great Idea the lexan cover. I'm going to pursue this on the stbd engine. I will not run the engine w/o the cover - too dangerous.
I made*some for the cruise gen belts on the 671.* Well the shop made them for me out of 2 pieces of aluminum bar with slot cut in them with roller bearing on a bolt nuts and washers.***I bought a set for the*hudraulic pump on the gen set as*belt and bearing place.*Most belt and bearing places they sell them.** ******
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